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“I presume that it’s possible that someone on board the aircraft, if they are a software engineer for instance could trigger the remote control of it, but I think its more likely that someone at a ground station, or even an Air Force AWACS aircraft or the Navy aircraft could gain authority from the operating company, in this case Malaysia.”
Malaysia Airlines Passengers Alive: Official At Secret Meeting
Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia’s transport minister, said Thursday night at a secret meeting in Kuala Lumpur with Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 passengers’ families that he believes all the passengers are still alive. This has been reported by Associated Press, The Guardian and CBS News.
Malaysian transport minister said he “believes that my child and all the other passengers are still alive,” said Hamid Amran, father of a child on Flight 370, speaking about transport minister Hussein after a secret meeting with him, other officials and families of passengers, according to an Associated Press report. “I will not give up hope.”
Officials held a secret meeting Thursday evening exclusively with Flight 370 passengers’ relatives in a hotel near Kuala Lumpur. Journalists were banned. Afterwards, groups of people left looking distraught, according to an Associated Press report. Hamid Amran, who had a child on Flight 370, said questions asked at the meeting made it “apparent that Malaysia’s military is incapable of protecting its own airspace”.
Debris False Hope, Jeapordising SAR
There have been continual false leads since the Boeing 777 disappeared March 8 above the Gulf of Thailand en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. The plane was diverted toward the Maldives and then headed south from there – some say. US officials, very quiet for over a week after the MH370 went missing, are now guiding the world to believe the plane’s now in Pakistan, possibly readying for use in a terrorist attack.
“The chances of it being debris from the airplane are probably small, and the chances of it being debris from other shipping are probably large,” said aviation Prof. Jason Middleton, of University of New South Wales in Sydney.
CBS This Morning contributor Michio Kaku, physics professor at City University of New York, said the area is “quite turbulent, and even a gentle current of five miles an hour could carry debris of hundreds of miles across;” the search is a “literal race against time; and “the black box has a beacon, but that beacon has a battery — a battery with a life 30 days. And we’ve already lost two weeks, so the window of opportunity is closing very rapidly.”
About possible debris being spotted and the numerous false alarms, Hussein said, “Any leads that we receive must be corroborated and verified, because if found false not only will it jeopardise our search but it will give false hope to the families.” He said the search was continuing in the northern and southern search arcs delineated by analysis of satellite data, that sweep north to Kazakhstan and south to the southern Indian Ocean, 2.24m square nautical miles of land and sea.
MH370 vanished shortly after taking off from Kuala Lumpur early on 8 March with 239 people on board. Officials have said they believe it was deliberately diverted from its route to Beijing, but have not ruled out a catastrophic event.
The Malaysia Airline’s Boeing 777 had an uninterruptible autopilot installed. It is uncertain whether the MH370 pilot had been trained to use that modification. American pilots are not trained to use them in case of a hijack attempt.
In the article, MH370 $Multi-Billion Patent Passengers: Pilot Warned About Crisis, Gagged, Speaks Out, we see that former seasoned former pilot Field McConnell, fired for blowing the whistle on aviation insecurity issues, said:
“And at the end of the day, every airliner that has an auto-uninterruptible autopilot, making planes a very complex remotely controlled flying vehicles, but it should only be remotely controlled if there’s a threat against the aircraft or the people on board.
“I presume that it’s possible that someone on board the aircraft, if they are a software engineer for instance could trigger the remote control of it, but I think its more likely that someone at a ground station, or even an Air Force AWACS aircraft or the Navy aircraft could gain authority from the operating company, in this case Malaysia.”
Experts have said the MH370 pilot tried to scramble jets, possibly indicating he did not know how to use the uninterruptible autopilot, and/or it had been overridden.
“I think the most likely scenario is a rogue player whether a front end crew doing it manually or malicious external mode doing it remotely – took the plane off its flight plan and headed to another destination,” McConnell said. “Once the rogue controllers got control of it, some benign positive safety conscious remote control was established and the aircraft was landed at one of these many airports that can land a plane.”
Whether the plane could be controlled after a rogue terrorist organization takes control and is flying it to another destination, and whether the system allows the airline to override the rogue controller cannot be answered “with any degree of certainty,” McConnell said, adding that these questions need to be asked of Malaysia Airlines and the Federal Aviation Association. These officials have not publicly provided an answer to these questions.
Hussein told reporters that “This is going to be a long haul,” and, “The focus has always been to find the airplane, and the focus is to reduce the area of search and possible rescue.”
The transporation minister indicating passengers are alive concurs with Retired Air Force General Thomas McInerney, who continues maintaining that the missing Malaysian Airlines flight might very well have landed in Pakistan. He said Tuesday his theory is based on more than mere conjecture.
“General, I’ve known you a long time, I know you too well to know that you’re not just making this up, this is not something you’ve concocted. You’ve spoken to a number of people, am I correct?” Sean Hannity asked McInerney during Tuesday night’s “Hannity” episode on Fox News. (Video below)
“Yes, but that’s all I want to say, Sean, please,” McInerney responded. Regarding passensgers, McInerney said, “I don’t know anything about their status.”
McInerney pointed to U.S. and Israeli militaries’ actions in recent days, suggesting much more is known about the missing flight than so far revealed: “First of all, let me say, when the U.S. Navy quits their search — their ship search — they must know something in the Indian Ocean,” he said. “When the Israeli Defense Forces, when they increase their air defense alert, they must know something.”
“My concern is, if this airplane could be used as a bearer of a weapon of mass destruction or even conventional munitions that could attack a carrier, the Israelis, other allies, American Forces, for instance,” he added. “We have to be very alert until we know exactly where this airplane is.”
McInerney said he believes “both pilots may have been complicit” and the U.S. knows much more than it is letting on. “I think they want to be very cautious because they don’t want to embarrass certain other nations that we’re working close.”
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