Πηγη Beforeitsnews / Τίποτε το ύποπτο δεν υπήρχε στην ομιλία
του πιλότου με τον πύργο ελέγχου, σύμφωνα με τον δημοσιογράφο
Jonathan Pearlman της Telegraph που εξασφάλισε την πρόσβαση
σε αυτήν. Δεδομένου οτι οι ρωσικές υπηρεσίες πληροφοριών έδωσαν
στη δημοσιότητα την πληροφορία οτι υπήρχε ύποπτο, πιθανόν φορτίο
με πηρυνικά, ειναι πιθανόν το σαμποτάζ και η αλλαγή πορείας μέσω
ελέγχου από το έδαφος, δυνατότητα που υπήρχε για το συγκεκριμένο
του πιλότου με τον πύργο ελέγχου, σύμφωνα με τον δημοσιογράφο
Jonathan Pearlman της Telegraph που εξασφάλισε την πρόσβαση
σε αυτήν. Δεδομένου οτι οι ρωσικές υπηρεσίες πληροφοριών έδωσαν
στη δημοσιότητα την πληροφορία οτι υπήρχε ύποπτο, πιθανόν φορτίο
με πηρυνικά, ειναι πιθανόν το σαμποτάζ και η αλλαγή πορείας μέσω
ελέγχου από το έδαφος, δυνατότητα που υπήρχε για το συγκεκριμένο
Hidden Malaysia Airlines Last 54 Minutes Communication Released!
The Telegraph has repeatedly asked Malaysia Airlines, Malaysia’s Civil Aviation Authority and the office of Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak to confirm the communications record for flight MH370, the news outlet says.
“[O]nly the prime minister’s office responded, saying it would not release this data.”
Remember: An airliner has two black boxes. One records data. The other records conversations in the cockpit. (And they are not black. They are orange.
Original Story
Malaysia Airlines Last 54 Minutes Communication!
The Telegraph has obtained the transcript of the last 54 minutes of communication aboard Flight MH370, it is cllaiming.
“The final communication between the Malaysia Airlines flight cockpit and ground control can be revealed, from its taxi on the runway to its final message at 1.07am of ‘Alright, good night.’”
The Telegraph reports that its reporter Jonathan Pearlman has seen the full communication record of MH370.
It includes crucial moments in the lead-up to the disappearance of the Boeing 777 and its 239 passengers.
It reveals the messages relayed between the cockpit and air traffic controllers during the period when the plane is believed by investigators to have already been sabotaged.
“From his sign-in at 12.36 when the plane was still on the ground, Hamid, a 27-year-old flying enthusiast, gave routine accounts of the plane’s location, ascent and altitude,” the Telegraph reports, as it analyses the transcript.
“Though he took a slightly casual approach and at times departed from formal wording, nothing in his banter gives any sign that the plane was about to fly off course and disappear” – until a little later.
“A potentially odd feature was a message delivered by the cockpit at 1.07am, saying that the plane was flying at a cruising altitude of 35,000 feet. This message was unnecessary as it repeated a call that had already been delivered six minutes earlier,” the Telegraph reports.
Second message cry for help
Steve Landells, a former British Airways pilot who flew Boeing 777s, told The Telegraph this second message was not required but he did not regard it as suspicious.
“It could be as simple as the pilot forgetting or not being sure that he had told air traffic controllers he had reached the altitude,” he said. “He might be reconfirming he was at 350 [35,000 feet]. It is not unusual. I wouldn’t read anything into it.”
The New York Times reports expansion of the multinational operation off Australia ‘s west coast illustrates how the hunt for the Malaysia Airlines plane has helped dampen regional tensions.
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