Πηγή exohuman /
IS IT POSSIBLE that just a few thousand years ago a gathering of planets hung as towering forms in the ancient sky close to the earth, provoking spectacular electric discharge formations above our forebears?
Symbol of an Alien Sky
David Talbott thinks so, and here he turns conventional history on its head with a persuasive proposition of celestial dramas in ancient times.
In the twentieth century the pioneers of plasma science inspired a new school of investigation called plasma cosmology. Plasma cosmologists suggest that electricity is the primary force organizing spiral galaxies and the astonishing galactic clusters now seen in deep space.
IN THE WAKE of recent discoveries, a new way of seeing the physical universe is emerging. The new vantage point emphasizes the role of electricity in space and shows the negligible contribution of gravity in cosmic events.
Images returned by high-powered telescopes and recent space probes have challenged astronomers’ long-standing assumptions about galaxies and their constituent stars, about the evolution of our solar system, and about the nature and history of Earth.
The new discoveries also suggest that our early ancestors may have witnessed awe inspiring electrical events in the heavens—the source of myths and symbols around the world.
IF THIS THEORY is anywhere near true, it raises further questions like how and why these planets lined up the way they did. Clearly the event had a profound effect on the peoples of the Earth, kick-starting global mythologies, religions and culture, and so the next question would be: was there an ‘intelligence’ behind this seminal event?
There is a lot of speculation that—given the complexities of life down here, the speed of our intellectual evolution and persistent genetic issues—humanity is involved in some kind of cosmic experiment. Perhaps, beyond this latest groundbreaking update that we live in an Electric Universe, is the fast-approaching realization that it is also conscious?
More: thunderbolts.info | facebook | See also: Essential Guide to the Electric Universe
Meanwhile the Official Cover-Up Continues…
RECENTLY, scientists working with the BICEP2 telescope have claimed to discover the first direct evidence of cosmic inflation, a process of radical expansion believed to have occurred after the theoretical Big Bang explosion.Based on data from the cosmic microwave background the team also claims to have confirmed the existence of gravitational waves “squeezing” intergalactic space. Physicist Wal Thornhill responds to these extravagant claims.
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