Σχόλιο Cassiopeia / πηγή MessageToEagle / Βαθειά στην
ζούγκλα του Εκουαδόρ βρέθηκε από τον Bruce Fenton,
μια πυραμιδοειδής κατασκευή και φαίνεται οτι υπάρχουν
πολλές ακόμη παρόμοιες κατασκευές, που σε συνδυασμό
με την ανακάλυψη τεράστιων διαστάσεων εργαλείων,
οδηγούν στο συμπέρασμα οτι υπάρχει μια ολόκληρη
αρχαία πόλη που εκατοικείτο από Γίγαντες.

There is a "stark difference between the newly uncovered stonework
and that of the already exposed wall. The working hypothesis at present
is that either an earthquake or a tropical rainstorm induced land slide
caused the soil and plants of one wall to come sliding down," Fenston
says. Image credit & copyright: Bruce Fenton
Amongst these tools are some that would be extremely difficult for a
normal size human being to use in any practical fashion, this has led
to a strong suspicion that this is one of the legendary lost cities of the
giants, well known in local Ecuadorian legends about the Amazonian
area, such places generate great fear among the members of today's
jungle tribes as they are believed to be protected either by spirit guardians
or by beings not of this world.

What really strongly points towards this habitation having housed the same race of giants is the presence of extremely oversized hammers, or at least the stone hammerheads, " Fenston says. Image credit & copyright: Bruce Fenton

ζούγκλα του Εκουαδόρ βρέθηκε από τον Bruce Fenton,
μια πυραμιδοειδής κατασκευή και φαίνεται οτι υπάρχουν
πολλές ακόμη παρόμοιες κατασκευές, που σε συνδυασμό
με την ανακάλυψη τεράστιων διαστάσεων εργαλείων,
οδηγούν στο συμπέρασμα οτι υπάρχει μια ολόκληρη
αρχαία πόλη που εκατοικείτο από Γίγαντες.
and that of the already exposed wall. The working hypothesis at present
is that either an earthquake or a tropical rainstorm induced land slide
caused the soil and plants of one wall to come sliding down," Fenston
says. Image credit & copyright: Bruce Fenton
Amongst these tools are some that would be extremely difficult for a
normal size human being to use in any practical fashion, this has led
to a strong suspicion that this is one of the legendary lost cities of the
giants, well known in local Ecuadorian legends about the Amazonian
area, such places generate great fear among the members of today's
jungle tribes as they are believed to be protected either by spirit guardians
or by beings not of this world.

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