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Δευτέρα 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2013


Πηγή: blogs.mtu.edu/physics/files/ Σχόλιο Ήρων ο Δωριεύς
Σας δινω παρακάτω-σαν συνέχεια του άρθρου για την
ΚΟΙΛΗ ΓΗ- το παρακάτω κείμενο, δημοσιευμένο το 1901,
που αφορά το εκπληκτικό πείραμα του TAMARACK, που
διεξήχθη στο ομώνυμο ορυχείο και είχε εντελώς απρόσμενα
αποτελέσματα. Εν συντομία δύο βαρίδια κρεμασμένα από
δύο χορδές πιάνου μήκους 4250 ποδών αντί να συγκλίνουν
στον πάτο του πηγαδιού, όπως η θεωρία της βαρύτητας προβλέπει,
αυτά ΑΠΕΚΛΙΝΑΝ κατά 0,07 ft !!!
Εξήγηση δεν δόθηκε ποτέ,το γεγονός θάφτηκε και κανείς δεν
ασχολήθηκε ούτε απόρησε με το αποτέλεσμα του πειράματος,
πολύ δε περισσότερο δεν δοκίμασε να το επαναλάβει.
Κάποιοι φίλοι μου, επιστήμονες, ανοιχτά μυαλά, μου είπαν το
εξής χαριτολογώντας: Ήρωνα, μη προσπαθείς μάταια να ξυπνήσεις
την πραγματική επιστημονική σκέψη στους mainstream επιστήμονες,
αυτοί δεν πρόκειται να ξυπνήσουν ακόμη κι' αν τους φέρεις στο
κεφάλι τα βαρίδια του TAMARACK!!!

(Reproduced from The Houghton (Michigan) Daily Mining Gazette, October 8, 1901, page 3.)
The Two Plumb Lines, Each 4,250
Feet Long, Give Some Decidedly Queer Results.
At the Tamarack mine there has recently been conducted an experiment of
the deepest interest to the engineering
world. To the testmade therewas nothing
new in principle, but the actual facts are
such as tomake it unique.In fact, it stands
alone as an undertaking in mining
engineering that may lead to certain new
conclusions as to the laws of gravitation.
Though to the mining engineer the result
was not just what was expected, discoveries were made that to the scientific
world in general may prove of value.
A plumb line dropped a distance of
4,250 feet is certainly something unusual,
and a pendulum swinging to and from
4,250 feet from the stationary point is out
ofthe ordinary.Indeed, neverbut once has
it been attempted to make use of a plumb
lineover4,000 feetin length and neverbut
oncehas apendulumwith a rod over4,000
once was at the Tamarack mine and but a
short time ago, and the history of the
experiment, together with the results
obtained, is extremely interesting.
From the new No. 5 shaft, the deepest
perpendicular shaft in the world, it was
desired to crosscut adistanceof800 feet at
the twenty-ninth level, or 4,250 feet from
the surface, overto the lode. Already from
the twenty-ninth level of No. 2 shaft,
which is 3,220 feet at the surface fromNo.
5, there was a crosscut of 2,200 feet to the
lode and a drift on the lode, from this
crosscut, 460 feet in length. In order to
facilitate the work of reaching the lode
fromthe newshaft, it was desired to begin
working away fromthe shaft and toward it
fromthe farthestpointofthedriftfromNo.
2 shaft; in other words, the engineers
desired to solve the old tunneling
problem--that of beginning work at either
end and meeting somewhere near the
In order to do this it was necessary to
give themen working fromtheNo. 2 shaft
at the mine office a survey from which it
would have been possible to have begun
work, but it was desired to verify it.It was
made years ago, and the engineers thought
that the opportunity of satisfying
themselves as to its accuracy was at hand.
The dropping of the plumb line was the
first step.
Chief Engineer J. B. Watson and his
assistants went to work to use the method
that had been triedmanytimes.It had been
tried at theTamarackmine before and had
been a complete success. At the vertical
shaft of the Calumet & Hecla, known as
the Whiting or Red Jacket shaft, plumb
lines had been dropped by the engineers,
andatothermineswhereverticalshafts are
in use it had been successfully tried. In
principle it was nothing new, but it was
practicallynew, asneverbeforehaditbeen
necessary to deal with a shaft close to
5,000 feet deep.
The idea was to drop two plumb lines
down the shaft to the twenty- ninth level,
then to take observations both at the
surface and down in the mine, taking the
same data. After this had been done at the
new shaft it would be necessary to repeat
the operations again at the old shaft, when
it would be possible for the engineers to
give the miners, working away from the
old shaft and toward the new one, the
proper directions to enable them to meet
themen working in the opposite direction.
The idea was a simple one and one that is
known to all mining men.
It was realized that a line of unusual
strength was to be experimented with, so
the engineers began to make tests in order
to settle uponwhatsort of awire should be
used. No. 24 piano wirewas finally settled
upon, butthorough testsweremade before
the realworkwasbegun.Thewire selected
was of steel and possessed a tensile
strength of 350,000 pounds to the square
inch.Apiece30 feetlongwastaken forthe
test. It was suspended and weights
gradually added until it parted after 154
pounds had been fastened on it. This was
quite satisfactory to the engineers, and the
preparations for dropping two lines ofNo.
24 wire down the shaft went on.
A small two-cylinder hoisting engine
operated by compressed air was placed at
the mouth of the shaft, which is a five
compartment affair, measuring 29 feet, 2
inches, by 8 feet, 10 inches. This engine
was provided with loose running drums
with groovesturned in thewooden lagging
for the wire to be wrapped upon. Pulleys
were placed over this shaft and the wires
were lowered, after weights had been
placed upon them, after the manner of
lowering any sort of a line.
It was necessary, of course, that each
wire have something attached to it to carry
it down.It was not thought best, however,
that common weights be used, as it was
feared they would in some manner get
caught in the timbering and ruin thewhole
experiment. Two "balloons" were,
therefore, constructed.Theywere each ten
feet long and built entirely of wood,
weighing 20 pounds. They were two and
one-half feet in diameter at the centre,
tapering to a point at either end, and were
made of slats so that a lantern hung in the
centre cast its light about and the progress
of the balloons could be watched from
above and from below.
Thus equipped the linesweredropped.
In just half an hourthe 4,250 feet had been
reeled off and things were about ready for
experienced in dropping the lines; they
went down without interference from
anything, and perhaps the most difficult
part ofthe experiment was the most easily
It was now desired to get the lines as
far apart at the surface as possible, and so
eight-pound plumb bobs were substituted
for the balloons. The engineers had been
afraid to lower the lines too near the
timbering foritwasnot desired to have the
the way down; for this reason the pulleys
over which the wires ran at the surface
were not placed as far apart as was
possible. With the balloons out ofthe way
the distance between the lines at the
surface was increased to 17.58 feet.
When this had been done 50-pound
cast-iron bobs were substituted for the
eight-pound ones, and the wires stretched
a distance of 15 feet. They were cut to the
proper length and then the bobs were
immersed in pails of engine oil in orderto
kill all the vibration possible. Here
something un-looked for happened; the
wires shortened up 25 inches because of
the buoyancy ofthe oil.
The greatest surprise developed,
however, when the distance between the
two wires was taken 4,250 feet below the
surface. It was found that they were 17.65
feet apart, showing a divergence of .07
feet. It was quite unexpected and no one
about the work could explain it. After
careful examinations had been made bothonthe surface andatthe twenty-ninthlevel
and themeasurementshad been verified,it
was decided that some timbering or
something somewhere in the shaft was the
cause ofthe difficulty, and one ofthe men
volunteered to climb down the entire
distance and examine the wires. Thus he
did, but found nothing, and to this day no
one has offered a solution for the
President F. W. McNair of the
Michigan College of Mines, was present
and he conducted an experiment with one
of the lines as a pendulum. The bob was
drawn aside one foot and fastened with a
thread.He thensethisinstruments, and the
thread was burned. The great pendulum
swung back and forth, but again great
surprise resulted. In 20 minutes the bob
came almost to a standstill, which was
for.It was, however, explained by the fact
that water was continually dripping down
the shaft and evidently exerted a
restraining influence.
Observations were also made by the
engineers to ascertain just what was the
vibration of the lines while the bobs were
suspended in the oil and therewas nothing
but natural causes to cause vibration. A
scale six inches in length and graduated to
thirtieths of an inch was placed behind
each of the wires. The vibrations were
found to be very slow and not over
one-quarterof an inch as amaximum.This
was done in order that the mean might be
learned bywhich the instruments could be
lined up.
Thirty-six hours from the time the
workwasbegunthe engineershadfinished
and the lines had been drawn back to the
surface. It required about a half hour for
the engine to hoist thewires. The balloons
were replaced and the two lineswere taken
to the surface without difficulty.
Within aweek fromthis time the same
test was made at No. 2 shaft. The same
engine and apparatus were used and the
whole experiment was done in a day. The
experience atNo. 5was ofmuch value and
assisted greatly in hastening the work at
the old shaft. Before the work was begun
this time a telephone was installed at the
at the surface so that the engineers could
communicate with each other with ease.
Atthisshaftthe samephenomenawere
noted and with very little change, except
that the divergence of the lines was even
greater. Lead bobs instead of cast-iron
were used, but no change was effected, as
there was a divergence of one-tenth of a
foot, the distance between the wires at the
surface being 12.6 feet and down in the
mine 12.7.
forthe factthatthewiressupposed to hang
parallel to each other were farther apart
4,250feetbelowthesurface thantheywere
at the surface, but no one has suggested
anything that seems to coverthe question.
It seems to be the general opinion that
for the phenomenon, but where it is, and
whyitshould beno oneknows.Were there
no disturbing forces at work there should
be a slight convergence.

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