Πηγή: x-u-f-o , sunproject / Σχόλιο: Cassiopeia /
Κοιτάξτε ψηλά! Ειναι δίπλα μας! Δεν είναι ο
πλανήτης Ερμής, διότι τότε θα τον κατέγραφε
και η κάμερα του BEHIND.
Pay attention as the object changes the form when
Κοιτάξτε ψηλά! Ειναι δίπλα μας! Δεν είναι ο
πλανήτης Ερμής, διότι τότε θα τον κατέγραφε
και η κάμερα του BEHIND.
Breaking News! Disclosure of NASA hiding the
span of a giant UFO near the Sun from February
17 to February 23, 2013. Published February 25, 2013.
Pay attention as the object changes the form when
flying and as the object generates a protective field
from sunlight. As, pay attention to a huge beam from
object - the laser? Arrangement of satellites from
February 17 to February 23, 2013. STOP!
If to consider position of satellites, the Behind satellite
had to photograph Mercury the same as photographed
the Ahead satellite! You can check images from the
Behind satellite at the time of Mercury passing. Mercury
there isn't present!
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