Σχόλιο Λουκιανός ο Αργείος / πηγή mysteriousall
Περίμεναν τεράστια ηλιακή καταιγίδα με κατεύθυνση
την Γή, που θε επηρέαζε το γήινο μαγνητικό πεδίο,
την 9-1-2014. Ανακοινώθηκε στα ΜΜΕ, αλλά στο τέλος
δεν συνέβη τίποτε !
Αν δεχθούμε τήν ορθότητα των προβλέψεων, τότε κάτι
δεν μας λένε για τον ήλιο, αλλά και το ηλιακό σύστημα.
Υπάρχουν δυο ανατρεπτικές θεωρίες για το άστρο μας.
Η πρώτη προτείνει οτι ο ήλιος ειναι μια τεράστια μάζα
από σίδηρο, η οποία παράγει ηλεκτρικά φαινόμενα
γιγάντιας κλίμακας.
Η δεύτερη προτείνει οτι ο ήλιος είναι Αστροπύλη και
μάλιστα χρησιμοποιείται από προηγμένους εξωγήινους
πολιτισμούς για ταξίδια στο διάστημα.
Αν λάβουμε υπόψη τις εμφανίσεις τεράστιων κατασκευών
που φωτογράφισαν τα SOHO, τότε πράγματι πρέπει να
αρχίσουμε να μελετάμε το θεμα ήλιος από την αρχή.
As you know on January 7 Sun erupted higher power class X1.2. it served as a source of active group of sunspots in 1944, is located at the time the exact opposite of our planet. Scientists, astronomers, NASA and NOAA have confirmed the direction of ejection and gave forecast for powerful geomagnetic storm, which was to begin on January 9.
The information was confirmed by scientists. All media announced the impending geomagnetic storm, but it’s January 9, and geomagnetic storm has not begun. I tracked all the monitors, but apart from the radiation storm, which reached the level of strong, no special perturbations of Earth’s magnetosphere followed.
Intermittent splash weak geomagnetic disturbances generally can not be considered a storm of the force that was expected.
January 9 NOAA that would somehow explain the absence of geomagnetic disturbances, published information that no storm on the grounds that the release late to the arrival and will reach the Earth’s magnetosphere by 10 January.
Occurred on January 10, radiation storm dropped to the level of “medium strength” and geomagnetic storm never happened. You may have noticed that while all the media were packed news that The Earth has fallen strongest geomagnetic storm, we did not do such statements. Because this information is common with the filing of “Vesti” – did not match the real situation in the magnetosphere of our planet.
Yes – many felt headaches, weakness and other adverse feelings, but they can be attributed to a radiation storm that did not add to anyone’s health, but the expected strong geomagnetic storm from the huge plasma ejection, flying in the direction of the Earth – has not happened.
Emission class X1.2 was – yes, the release was directed toward Earth – yes, the estimated arrival rate and a geomagnetic storm beginning January 9 – yes, there was a geomagnetic storm – no.
Scientists and astronomers study space weather, at the moment this situation generally do not comment. Bulk of the population enough that on major TV news channels have been that the most powerful storm struck the earthlings – not all, but many believed it.
But the main question remains – why did not the storm occurred and what happened to huge releases of flying to the Earth.
Περίμεναν τεράστια ηλιακή καταιγίδα με κατεύθυνση
την Γή, που θε επηρέαζε το γήινο μαγνητικό πεδίο,
την 9-1-2014. Ανακοινώθηκε στα ΜΜΕ, αλλά στο τέλος
δεν συνέβη τίποτε !
Αν δεχθούμε τήν ορθότητα των προβλέψεων, τότε κάτι
δεν μας λένε για τον ήλιο, αλλά και το ηλιακό σύστημα.
Υπάρχουν δυο ανατρεπτικές θεωρίες για το άστρο μας.
Η πρώτη προτείνει οτι ο ήλιος ειναι μια τεράστια μάζα
από σίδηρο, η οποία παράγει ηλεκτρικά φαινόμενα
γιγάντιας κλίμακας.
Η δεύτερη προτείνει οτι ο ήλιος είναι Αστροπύλη και
μάλιστα χρησιμοποιείται από προηγμένους εξωγήινους
πολιτισμούς για ταξίδια στο διάστημα.
Αν λάβουμε υπόψη τις εμφανίσεις τεράστιων κατασκευών
που φωτογράφισαν τα SOHO, τότε πράγματι πρέπει να
αρχίσουμε να μελετάμε το θεμα ήλιος από την αρχή.
Why not occurred magnetic storm from the flare of class X?
The information was confirmed by scientists. All media announced the impending geomagnetic storm, but it’s January 9, and geomagnetic storm has not begun. I tracked all the monitors, but apart from the radiation storm, which reached the level of strong, no special perturbations of Earth’s magnetosphere followed.
Intermittent splash weak geomagnetic disturbances generally can not be considered a storm of the force that was expected.
January 9 NOAA that would somehow explain the absence of geomagnetic disturbances, published information that no storm on the grounds that the release late to the arrival and will reach the Earth’s magnetosphere by 10 January.
Occurred on January 10, radiation storm dropped to the level of “medium strength” and geomagnetic storm never happened. You may have noticed that while all the media were packed news that The Earth has fallen strongest geomagnetic storm, we did not do such statements. Because this information is common with the filing of “Vesti” – did not match the real situation in the magnetosphere of our planet.
Yes – many felt headaches, weakness and other adverse feelings, but they can be attributed to a radiation storm that did not add to anyone’s health, but the expected strong geomagnetic storm from the huge plasma ejection, flying in the direction of the Earth – has not happened.
Emission class X1.2 was – yes, the release was directed toward Earth – yes, the estimated arrival rate and a geomagnetic storm beginning January 9 – yes, there was a geomagnetic storm – no.
Scientists and astronomers study space weather, at the moment this situation generally do not comment. Bulk of the population enough that on major TV news channels have been that the most powerful storm struck the earthlings – not all, but many believed it.
But the main question remains – why did not the storm occurred and what happened to huge releases of flying to the Earth.
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