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Τελευταία νέα

Τετάρτη 16 Μαΐου 2012


Comments: Cassiopeia / A phenomenon first noticed by the famous author and scientist Isaac Asimov concerned the lunar orbit. The Moon moves around the earth in a lightly elliptical orbit. The moon is effected by two forces, the gravitational pull of the Sun and the gravitational pull of the Earth. The pull of the Sun is twice as that of the Earth, the paradox is how the Moon remains in its orbit around the Earth!!! Asimov concluded that the Moon is not a natural celestial object and something keeps it in that circular path!!! Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov propose: the planetoid Moon was equipped with super-engines capable to move it from the outer space to our solar system and was deliberately put in that orbit around the Earth! That super-engines, probably hidden in two craters near the south pole of the Moon, are obviously still in function, judging from the fact that the Moon maintains its orbit, contrary to physical laws, and they are powerful enough to counterbalance the pull of the sun and accomplish such a ferocious task!!! Of course an "alien" race possessing a highly developed technology, live and work in the interior of our space companion! The effects of their activities were not escaped the observation of humans! Ancient Greeks and modern astronomers, trying to explain mysterious phenomena on the surface of the Moon, have loudly declared that the Moon is inhabited by a race similar to ours! The catalogue of unexpected and mysterious properties of the Moon is long enough to write a multivolume book! SO, MY COMMENTS ON THAT GREATE MYSTERY WILL CONTINUE, AS LONG AS NASA OR ESA OR ROSCOSMOS ARE ABSOLUTELY AWARE OF THE SHOCKING FACTS, BUT REMAIN SILENCED!!! HUMANITY MUST WAKE UP! AS HAWKING SAID, WE MUST LOOK AT THE STARS, NOT AT OUR LEGS!!!

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