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Κυριακή 27 Απριλίου 2014

Μιά άλλη Γή στον αστερισμό του Κύκνου!

Πηγή ufo-blogger.com /

NASA Discovers Earth-sized Planet That May Sustain Life

Astronomers have discovered what they say is the most Earth-like planet yet detected — a distant, rocky world that's similar in size to our own and exists in the Goldilocks zone where it's not too hot and not too cold for life.
The find, announced Thursday, excited planet hunters who have been scouring the Milky Way galaxy for years for potentially habitable places outside our solar system.
"This is the best case for a habitable planet yet found. The results are absolutely rock solid," University of California, Berkeley astronomer Geoff Marcy, who had no role in the discovery, said in an email.

The planet was detected by NASA's orbiting Kepler telescope, which studies the heavens for subtle changes in brightness that indicate an orbiting planet is crossing in front of a star. From those changes, scientists can calculate a planet's size and make certain inferences about its makeup.

The newfound object, dubbed Kepler-186f, circles a red dwarf star 500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. A light-year is almost 6 trillion miles.

The planet is about 10 percent larger than Earth and may very well have liquid water — a key ingredient for life — on its surface, scientists said. That is because it resides at the outer edge of the habitable temperature zone around its star — the sweet spot where lakes, rivers or oceans can exist without freezing solid or boiling away.

The find "is special because we already know that a planet of this size and in the habitable zone is capable of supporting life as we know it," lead researcher Elisa Quintana of NASA's Ames Research Center said at a news conference.


Τετάρτη 23 Απριλίου 2014

Dr Joan Bird: εξωγήινοι απενεργοποίησαν πυρηνικά ΗΠΑ και ΕΣΣΔ!

Πηγή theufochronicles.com /
Η Dr Joan Bird  επιστήμονας, ουφολόγος και συγγραφέας
του βίβλιου "Τα UFOs της Μοντάνα ειναι εξωγήινα", σε
συνέντευξή της, δηλώνει ευθαρσώς οτι η προέλευση ενός
σημαντικού ποσοστού ανεξηγήτων  εναερίων φαινομένων,
είναι εξωγήινης προέλευσης και μάλιστα στην περίοδο του
ψυχρού πολέμου επενέβησαν και ακινητοποίησαν πυρηνικά
αμφοτέρων σοβιετικών και αμερικανών.
Κάνει επίσης μνεία της εκστρατείας παραπληροφόρησης που
εξαπέλυσε η κυβέρνηση των ΗΠΑ για να γελοιοποιήσει τους
αυτόπτες μάρτυρες αυτών των συμβάντων, επιστρατεύοντας
ακόμη και ψυχολόγους, ώστε να τεθεί εν αμφιβόλω η ψυχική
τους ισορροπία.

Flying Saucers, UFOs & Nuclear Missile Base Intrusions – 

An Interview with Dr Joan Bird | VIDEO

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Flying Saucers, UFOs & Nuclear Missile Base Intrusions – An Interview with Dr Joan Bird

By Don Dunwell
Beartooth NBC
"Joan you have a large part of your book that is devoted to incidents that happened at Malmstrom Air Force Base and the missile locations up there ... there were alleged UFO sightings and the disabling of certain wings of the missiles . . .."

      Shortly after the Second World War, the U.S. reported a flurry of aerial phenomena that came to be described as "flying saucers." Later, government investigators and others called them unidentified flying objects, or UFO’s. Despite the frequency of the sightings, the U.S. Air Force which was charged with investigating the reports, along with other scientists, tended to dismiss the sightings as other aerial phenomena such as weather balloons, birds or aircraft. But the persistence of some evidence, a Montana film in particular, has kept the issue alive. . . .

Συντρίμια; Μηδέν! Ανάληψη ευθύνης; Καμία! TAKEN?

Πηγή AnonymousFO / Ο John Ventre στην αρχή ακόμη
του μυστηρίου της εξαφάνισης της πτήσης ΜΗ370 είχε
δηλώσει: ABDUCTION! (απαγωγή από εξωγήινους)
Μήπως τελικά είχε δίκιο;

Γιγάντια ΑΤΙΑ στον Κρόνο!

Πηγή AnonymousFO /
Παλαιότερα παρουσιάσαμε εδώ την περίπτωση του
Νόρμαν Μπέργκρουν, αστρονόμου στην ΝΑΣΑ, που
κυκλοφόρησε βιβλίο-μελέτη από την πολυετή πείρα
του, στο οποίο με αδιάσειστα στοιχεία υποστηρίζει
την ύπαρξη τεράστιων εξωγήινων σκαφών γύρω από
τους δακτύλιους του Κρόνου, αθέατων (;) στους
γήινους παρατηρητές.

UFOs The Size Of Uranus, AKA The Ringmakers Of Saturn. March 1st, 2013

I stumbled upon this absolutely brilliant video of giant UFOs estimated to be up to the width of the planet Uranus orbiting around the rings of Saturn. The video isn't too well known so I thought I would share it here on the AFO Stream for all to see. You may remember seeing these at the end of The Best UFO Sightings Of 2010 video, but if not get prepared to be amazed. Watch the video below for a much closer look, at the ringmakers of saturn.
It is sort of hard to believe that this could be authentic, especially if this is your fist time hearing about this, but who knows what lies in the depths of what seems like a never ending universe. Impossible is nothing.

Τρίτη 22 Απριλίου 2014

Κοσμολογία πλάσματος: εν αρχή ήν ο ηλεκτρισμός!

Πηγή exohuman /

Symbol of an Alien Sky

team-h07-sh-dave-talbottIS IT POSSIBLE that just a few thousand years ago a gathering of planets hung as towering forms in the ancient sky close to the earth, provoking spectacular electric discharge formations above our forebears?
David Talbott thinks so, and here he turns conventional history on its head with a persuasive proposition of celestial dramas in ancient times.
In the twentieth century the pioneers of plasma science inspired a new school of investigation called plasma cosmology. Plasma cosmologists suggest that electricity is the primary force organizing spiral galaxies and the astonishing galactic clusters now seen in deep space.
IN THE WAKE of recent discoveries, a new way of seeing the physical universe is emerging. The new vantage point emphasizes the role of electricity in space and shows the negligible contribution of gravity in cosmic events.
Images returned by high-powered telescopes and recent space probes have challenged astronomers’ long-standing assumptions about galaxies and their constituent stars, about the evolution of our solar system, and about the nature and history of Earth.
The new discoveries also suggest that our early ancestors may have witnessed awe inspiring electrical events in the heavens—the source of myths and symbols around the world.
Credit: “Squatter man” images below gathered by Anthony Peratt
IF THIS THEORY is anywhere near true, it raises further questions like how and why these planets lined up the way they did. Clearly the event had a profound effect on the peoples of the Earth, kick-starting global mythologies, religions and culture, and so the next question would be: was there an ‘intelligence’ behind this seminal event?
There is a lot of speculation that—given the complexities of life down here, the speed of our intellectual evolution and persistent genetic issues—humanity is involved in some kind of cosmic experiment. Perhaps, beyond this latest groundbreaking update that we live in an Electric Universe, is the fast-approaching realization that it is also conscious?

Meanwhile the Official Cover-Up Continues…

RECENTLY, scientists working with the BICEP2 telescope have claimed to discover the first direct evidence of cosmic inflation, a process of radical expansion believed to have occurred after the theoretical Big Bang explosion.
Based on data from the cosmic microwave background the team also claims to have confirmed the existence of gravitational waves “squeezing” intergalactic space. Physicist Wal Thornhill responds to these extravagant claims.

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ΠΥΡΑΜΙΣ: γεννήτρια ελεύθερης δωρεάν ενέργειας!

Πηγή humansarefree /

25,000 y/o Free Energy Source Suppressed by the MS Science

A monumental discovery with four years of comprehensive geo-archaeological research has failed to reach mainstream audiences for some reason. The most active pyramid site in the world dating the pyramid complex back 25,000 years has also released scientific evidence supporting the theory that the pyramids were used as an energy source.

The recent study reveals energy beams transmitting electromagnetic signals unexplainable by our science in what is now documented as the largest Pyramid complex in the world. Overwhelming evidence, supported by scientific research from all over the archeological community proves that our recorded history is wrong concerning ancient cultures which in turn changes religion, science and academics.

Dr. Osmanagich has investigated pyramids all over the world, however his recent discovery of the Bosnian pyramids in Visoko, are nothing more than remarkable. What may be more remarkable is how he has been attacked in the media, by scientists and researchers for his incredible find.

The very first thing world powers do when their control systems are threatened (and they can't elimate the idea) is they create a misinformation system to make people believe that powerful new or ancient technologies are a hoax. Prominent archaeologists have attempted smear campaigns on Dr. Osmanagich's work out of fear of how the impact of his discoveries will make on their own work.

It's more than time to rewrite our history books, however there are such vast divisions between the old paradigm thinking and the new, that conflicts between the two camps have continued to cause the regression in the understanding of ancient technology rather than its advancement.

Take note of the following facts Dr. Osmanagich details in the above video:

1) These are the first pyramids in Europe;
2) They are the biggest and largest on the planet;
3) The cardinal sides have the most precise orientation on the planet;
4) The concrete found is better than the best available concrete today;
5) They are the oldest pyramids on the planet;
6) Underneath the pyramids is the most extensive, prehistorical network of tunnels and chambers ever found;
7) In these tunnels they have discovered huge cermaric blocks weighing in excess of 18,000 pounds;

The discovery of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids changes the understanding of European and world history forever. This also goes for the oldest and strongest concrete dated and the largest network of underground tunnels and chambers.

Radiocarbon dating that proves the Bosnian Pyramid Complex dates back at least 25,000 years has been revealed by an international team of scientists led by Dr. Sam Osmanagich. Discovered in 2005, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Archaeological Park, which houses the largest pyramid in the world, is now the most active archaeological site on the planet.

The team’s findings also reveal an energy beam, 13 feet in radius that transmits an unexplainable electromagnetic signal measuring 28 kilohertz coming from the center of the Pyramid of the Sun. This phenomenon has been independently confirmed by physicist Dr. Slobodan Mizdrak, Ph.D. from Croatia, professor Paolo Debertolis, anthropologist from University of Trieste in Italy, sound engineer Heikki Savolainen from Finland and electrical engineer GoranMarjanovic from Serbia.

The energy beam is theorized by Dr. Osmanagich as the reason the pyramids were built; to provide ancient civilizations a powerful source of clean energy. This is already a widely supported theory set forth by the book “The Giza Power Plant” by Christopher Dunnpublished in 1998.

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is 30% larger than the largest pyramid at Giza and recent excavation has uncovered an extensive pre-historical underground labyrinth system, further evidence supporting the power plant theory.

Must-read related article: The Amazing Connections Between Nikola Tesla and the Energy of the Pyramids;

Is it possible that the fossil fuel based energy system we now rely on could have been prevented if inventor Nikola Tesla’s work on free energy hadn’t been suppressed? Tesla’s (1856-1943) patented free energy methods were rejected due to their inability to be metered and monetized.

“We urgently need to change our mistaken point of view that our ancestors were stupid and accept that they had an advanced understanding of the fabric of nature and the universe, just like Nikola Tesla, whose ideas were suppressed as they did not and do not fit in the reigning economic model,” states Phillip Coppens, author and investigative journalist.

“The pyramids are proof that our ancestors knew and worked with an energy technology that we are now finally able to measure, but are still short of fully understanding.”
Coppens along with Klaus Dona of Austria and dozens of speakers attended the International Conference Bosnia Pyramid in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina which is held annually to release findings to the public.

Osmanagich has had a host of experts in various fields come to see his Bosnian pyramids, and measure anomalies associated with them. They have included the noted British scientist and inventor Harry Oldfield, who used a special camera system to photograph alleged electromagnetic (EM) waves in the vicinity of Visocica Hill.

The pyramid structures that were built in Bosnia and across the globe over 10,000 years ago cannot be duplicated by modern science and machinery in the 21st century and there is no explanation for who could have built them in our recorded history.

“We realize that this site changes our knowledge of history and as such the findings will need to withstand harsh scrutiny. Our inter-disciplinary scientific team carefully utilizes legitimate scientific research methodology, often having tests done from two or more separate laboratories,” explained Dr. Osmanagich, PhD.

“Despite some initial skepticism, we now have a world-wide team of hundreds of thought leaders from numerous scientific disciplines including archeologists, geophysicists, chemical engineers, physicists, electrical engineers, and mathematicians gathering scientific evidence to find the answers.”
Geometric features of the pyramids 

Based on numerous airborne and space-borne images of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, it becomes evident that the geometric features present with three sides that exhibit geometrical shape of a triangle. Even though such elements occur in nature, it is rarely, if ever, a precise shape and rarely replicated on opposite sides of a mound. In this case, two sides are equilateral triangles, with well- defined sides.

Satellite imaging of the local area in the central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Landsat, Radarsat, Hyperion, Ikonos, courtesy of Dr. Amer Smailbegovic), indicated that there are five hills which show apparent geospatial anomalies where two or more sides are triangular.

All of the aforementioned hills exhibit triangular sides and some have elements of stairs and step features on the sides with flat plateaus on the top. In the case of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, three out of four sides exhibit evidence of geometric features. Geologic evidence is not indicative of any significant faulting or the processes of the glaciations in the area that would otherwise affect the existence, geometry and texture of these sides.

Must-read related article: 9 Cases Supporting the Existence of Pyramids in Bosnia - Essay by Excavation Supervisor;

Perfect orientation -- Cardinal sides of the world 

The measurements made by the Geodetic Institute of Bosnia and Herzegovina indicate that the sides of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (BPS) are exactly aligned with the cardinal sides of the world (North-South, East-West), which is one of the characteristics often noted with the existing pyramids in Egypt, Peru, Guatemala or China. The North side of the BPS is oriented towards stellar North (like the Great Pyramid of Egypt), in parallel with the position of the North Star.

Geological-sedimentary analyses

The results of core drilling, test-well sinking and limited trenching in August and October 2005, with a follow-up in 2006 and 2007, have confirmed prior observations and, revealed that the surface of the pyramids is comprised of layered sandstone and breccia blocks, which have been manually processed and/or cut to fit the required dimensions.

The binding agent found between the sandstone blocks suggest the presence of a “clastic breccia,” a multicolored conglomerate comprised out of gravel, sandstone and shale with a connective matrix or cement composed of sandy carbon particles of quartz, feldspar and flakes of mica. The flat sides of the blocks, the contact zone, and the binding agent are clearly visible.

Further detailed cleaning of the contact line between the two sandstone blocks revealed that the blocks were manually processed beneath and that the surface was flat and smooth, with binding agent applied afterwards to the surface.

Equilateral triangle of three main pyramids

Three main pyramids in the Bosnian Pyramid Valley form an equilateral triangle. The Kadastral Office from the County of Visoko performed GPS measurements of the hilltops and determined that all angles are symmetric (60 degrees). Their measurements showed that the distances among all three hilltops are the same (approx. 2,2 km) with less than 2% error, verifying the artificial structures.

Geometry, shape, orientation, constructive material -- they all prove the perfect planning and execution of the complex.

Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the world's largest 220 meters high and completely covered by soil and vegetation. During the 1950s and 1960s, local government organized tree planting activities. Trees managed to grow only on the bottom half of the Pyramid. Thickness of the soil on Western, Northern and Eastern side of the Pyramid varies from the top (20cm) to the bottom (1.5 meter).

This is due to the erosion. The Southern side, which seams to be damaged, has a soil layer of 3-6 meters. That is the reason why this side has lost its regularity. Physical material evidence of shaped and well preserved stone monoliths were unearthed during the ongoing geo-archaeological campaign in 2006-2008.

Satellite radar has penetrated the surface of Northern side of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun of four meters. Straight black lines show underground passageways -- pyramidal substructure. Some of them intersect at 90 degrees.

Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon

With its height of 190 meters, Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon is the world’s second largest: next to the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (220 meters) and higher than Khufu’s Great Pyramid of Egypt (148 meters). It is a three-sided pyramid with the plateau coming from the East, leading to the top of the structure.

Other sides (North, West, South) match the cardinal points. For the construction of this pyramid, sandstone plates and tiles were used together with the clay as a constructive material.

Archaeological field work on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon shows that under layers of soil and wood. There exists a huge stone/clay structure, three-sided “terraced” pyramid with paved causeway coming from East.

A Network of Underground Tunnels 

Examples of the main pyramidal complexes worldwide show that under the pyramids, underground passageways and chambers had been built. It’s the case of pyramids in Giza (tunnels connect the pyramids, sphinx, Nile), Teotihuacan (underground enlarged 4-chamber cave with passageways), Step pyramid in Saqqara (underground “labyrinth”), China (underground tunnels built from sandstone, bricks and clay), Tenerife (cave-tunnels in Guimar).

Numerous field findings suggest that an extensive tunnel network exists in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids. It is hypothesized (Principal investigator Semir Sam Osmanagich) that the tunnel system connects all of the colossal objects, water wells and other structures of importance.

The current excavations in progress have already presented with findings of several shaped monoliths in the tunnels. Hundreds of meters of tunnels have been secured by wooden support. The tunnels were definitively not the mining shafts as no tools, coal, silver, gold or any other worthy material werefound and they appear much older than Middle Age or Roman times.

Physicist Dr. Anna Pazdur of Poland’s Silesian University announced the news at the Press Conference in Sarajevo in August of 2008- Great number of archaeological artifacts has been found during the four years of excavations. Further cleaning in the underground tunnels confirmed huge artificial network from the pre-historical times.

Samples of core drilling from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and Vratnica tumulus have shown properties of the best quality concrete (analysis by Institute for Materials of the University of Zenica, Bosnia and Institute for Civil Engineering of the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia) First International Scientific Conference about the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids was held in Sarajevo on August 25-30, 2008.

Must-read related article: Alien Base Inside the Bucegi Mountains and Their Secret Tunnels to: Egypt, Tibet, Mongolia and the Earth's Center;

More than 50 experts from Egypt (20 leading archaeologists, geologists and Egyptologists,), China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Poland, Croatia, UK, Austria, Bosnia and Montenegro concluded/recommended:

(1) that the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids is “very important archaeological locations which require further multidisciplinary research,”

(2) that “Second Scientific Conference is to be held in two years that should getter pyramid specialists from all over the world,”

(3) “Center for Pyramid Studies is to be established in Sarajevo” and recommended

(4) that “archaeological course at the graduate level is to be established in Bosnian universities as a support for the BosnianValley of the Pyramids project.”- Professor of classical archaeology from the University of Alexandria Dr. Mona Haggagcalled this discovery “writing new pages in European and World history.”

By Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease; | References: gizaforhumanity.org;piramidasunca.ba/bsprweb.combosnianpyramid.com;

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Πήγαμε στην Σελήνη;;;

ISS: ΑΤΙΑ σε άπλετη θέα!

Παρασκευή 11 Απριλίου 2014

Ελεύθερη δωρεάν ενέργεια από συσκευή μεγέθους φούρνου μικροκυμάτων!

Πηγή blog.world-mysteries.com / "Η εταιρεία BlackLight Power, Inc. ανακοίνωσε την επιτυχή
παραγωγή ισχύος εκατομμυρίων  βατ μεσω της μετατροπής του νερού σε μια νεα μορφή υδρογόνου
και την μετατροπή της φωτεινής δέσμης εξόδου σε ηλεκτρισμό βάσει του φωτοηλεκτρικού
Αν αληθεύει, η ανακάλυψη της φωτιάς θα είναι ενα τίποτα για την εξέλιξη της τεχνολογίας με
ότι αυτό συνεπάγεται.

Has “Free” Energy arrived?

BlackLight Power, Inc. announces the achievement of the intermittent generation of millions of watts of power from the conversion of water fuel to a new form of hydrogen and the conversion of optical power output to electricity using photovoltaic conversion. 
April 03, 2014 04:17 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Harnessing the Ultimate Source of Power

Electrical Power from Water Fuel

BlackLight has produced millions of watts of power in a volume that is one ten thousandths of a liter corresponding to a power density of over an astonishing 100 billion watts per liter. BlackLight’s nonpolluting power-producing SF-CIHT cell catalytically converts H2O-based solid fuel directly into brilliant light-emitting plasma power, an essentially fully ionized gaseous physical state of the fuel comprising essentially positive ions and free electrons. The SF-CIHT cell plasma is the same temperature as the Sun emitting the same solar spectrum of light, but at extraordinary power equivalent to 50,000 times the Sun’s intensity at the Earth’s surface. Optical power is converted directly into electricity using photovoltaic cells (solar cells). Very high-power, high-efficiency cells are commercially available convert the SF-CIHT cell optical power
directly into electricity at its 100 billion watts per liter power density. Patents are filed worldwide.

BLP estimates that the device of less than one cubic foot in size can generate enough electricity to power 10,000 homes at less than 1% the cost of conventional power sources. 


BlackLight Power, Inc. Announces Sustained Production of Electricity Using Photovoltaic Conversion of the Millions of Watts of Brilliant Plasma Formed by the Reaction of Water to a More Stable Form of Hydrogen

CRANBURY, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–BlackLight Power, Inc. today announces that it achieved sustained electricity production from a primary new energy source by using photovoltaic technology to transform brilliant plasma, with power comprising millions of watts of light, directly into electricity. By applying a very high current through its proprietary water-based solid fuel in BlackLight Power’s breakthrough Solid Fuel-Catalyst-Induced-Hydrino-Transition (SF-CIHT) technology, water ignites into brilliant plasma, an extraordinary bright flash of extraordinary optical power that has a power density of over 1,000,000 times that of any prior controllable reaction. Remarkably, the light emitted from the plasma is nearly a perfect spectral equivalent of the Sun, but at 50,000 times the intensity. BlackLight Power has now successfully converted the brilliant plasma directly into electricity using photovoltaic cells (solar cells) which have been increasingly perfected to convert the Sun spectrum into electricity for more than five decades costing an estimated $1 trillion.
Using a proprietary water-based solid fuel confined between opposing roller electrodes of a SF-CIHT cell, and applying a current of 12,000 amps through the fuel, water ignites into an extraordinary bright flash of optical power. The fuel was sequentially fed into the electrodes to produce pulses of millions of watts of power in a volume that is one ten thousandths of a liter corresponding to a power density of over an astonishing 100 billion watts per liter. As a comparison, the electrical output power of a central power generation plant is typically 1 billion watts from a boiler 100 million times larger. The H2O-based fuel ignition produced brilliant plasma, an essentially fully ionized gaseous physical state of the fuel comprising essentially positive ions and free electrons. From a spectroscopic signature called a blackbody curve, the SF-CIHT cell plasma was determined to have the same temperature as the Sun emitting the same solar spectrum of light, but at extraordinary power equivalent to 50,000 times the Sun’s intensity at the Earth’s surface. Optical power was converted directly into electricity using photovoltaic cells (solar cells). Simply replacing the consumed H2O regenerated the fuel, and the fuel can be continuously fed into the electrodes to continuously output optical power that can be converted into electricity.
Our safe, non-polluting power-producing system catalytically converts the hydrogen of the H2O-based solid fuel into a non-polluting product, lower-energy state hydrogen called “Hydrino,” by allowing the electrons to fall to smaller radii around the nucleus. The energy release is 200 times that of burning the equivalent amount of hydrogen with oxygen. Due to this extraordinary energy release, H2O can serve as the source of hydrogen fuel to form hydrinos and oxygen.
Based on a spectroscopic technique called Stark line broadening, the power was determined to be in the form of fully ionized brilliant plasma, a gaseous brilliantly glowing ionized physical state of the fuel comprising essentially positive ions and free electrons. The plasma particles recombine to emit light that can be converted directly to electricity using commercially available, mass-produced photovoltaic or solar cells. Very high-power, high efficiency cells are commercially available to convert the SF-CIHT cell optical power directly into electric at its 100 billion watts per liter power density.
Using readily-available components, BlackLight has developed a system engineering design of an electric generator that is closed, except for the addition of H2O fuel, and generates ten million watts of electricity, enough to power ten thousand homes. Remarkably, the device is less than a cubic foot in volume. The SF-CIHT cell uses cheap, abundant, nontoxic, commodity chemicals, with no apparent long-term supply issues that might preclude commercial, high volume manufacturing. 
Moreover, the power converter is mass-produced for the solar power industry. The SF-CIHT cell power is in the form of light that has the same spectral composition as sunlight. With the discovery of the photovoltaic effect by Becquerel in 1839 and the invention of the first modern solar cell by Bell Labs, an era of cheap clean energy from the Sun was envisioned for mankind. Realization of that vision is enabled by the invention of the SF-CIHT cell that overcomes the impediment of the very low power density of sunlight. With advances since its inception, solar cells have demonstrated the capacity to convert light into electricity at tens of thousands of times higher power levels than sunlight at much higher efficiency at high versus low light intensity. At 50,000 times brighter than sunlight, the corresponding reduction in the area of the photovoltaic converter gives rise to a projected cost of the SF-CIHT cell of about $25/kW compared to over one hundred times that for conventional power sources of electricity.Applications and markets for the SF-CIHT cell extend across the global power spectrum, including thermal, stationary electrical power, motive, and defense. Given the independence from existing infrastructure, grid in the case of electricity and fuels in the case of motive power, the SF-CIHT power source is a further game changer for all forms of transportation: automobile, freight trucks, rail, marine, aviation, and aerospace in that the power density is one million times that of the engine of a Formula One racer, and ten million times that of a jet engine.
The energy release of H2O fuel, freely available in the humidity in the air, is one hundred times that of an equivalent amount of high-octane gasoline. This technology is enabling of a conventional-sized and powered car to travel 3000 miles on a liter of water without producing pollution.To protect its innovations and inventions, multiple worldwide patent applicationshave been filed on BlackLight’s proprietary technology.
The disclosure of one of BlackLight’s patent applications that was recently-filed worldwide, its10 MW electric SF-CIHT cell system engineering design and simulation, an automotive application simulation, high-speed video of millions of watts of SF-CIHT cell plasma, and a video of the pulsed production of millions of watts of light with photovoltaic conversion into electricity are publicly available on BlackLight’s webpage (http://www.blacklightpower.com/).
About BlackLight PowerBlackLight Power, Inc. is the inventor of a new primary energy source applicable to essentially all power applications such as thermal, electrical, automotive, trucking, rail, marine, aviation, aerospace, and defense. The BlackLight Process, the power source, is the process of releasing the latent energy of the hydrogen atom by forming Hydrinos. The SF-CIHT cell was invented by Dr. Mills to release this energy directly as electricity from water as the only source of fuel.For more information, please visit http://www.blacklightpower.com/
Glossary:BlackLight Process: A novel chemical process invented by Dr. Mills causing the latent energy stored in the hydrogen atom to be released as a new primary energy source.
Hydrino: Hydrinos are a new form of hydrogen theoretically predicted by Dr. Mills and produced and characterized by BlackLight. Hydrinos are produced during the BlackLight Process as energy is released from the hydrogen atom as the electron transitions to a lower-energy state resulting in a smaller radius hydrogen atom. The identity of the dark matter of the universe as Hydrinos is supported by BlackLight’s spectroscopic and analytical results as well as astrophysical observations.
SF-CIHT Cell: Each SF-CIHT cell comprises two electrodes that confine a highly electrically conducive H2O-based solid fuel that serves as a source of reactants to form Hydrinos. A low-voltage, very high current (about one thousand times that of household currents) ignites the water to form hydrinos and cause a burst of brilliant-light-emitting plasma power of millions of watts that can be directly converted to electricity using proven photovoltaic cells that are commercially available for converting light to electric power.
Photovoltaic or Solar Cell: Each cell comprises a flat panel of a semiconductor material that exhibits the photovoltaic effect, a method of generating electrical power by converting radiation such as solar radiation into direct current electricity. Light absorption in the semiconductor material creates energized charge carriers of opposite polarity that are collected at corresponding negative and positive electrode contacts on opposite sides of the flat panel to create a voltage that can deliver power to an external load. 
BlackLight Power, Inc.
Beata Stepien, Assistant to Dr. Randell L. Mills
609-490-1090 Ex 146


PS1  Is it a Fraud?

BlackLight Power, Inc. (BLP) of Cranbury, New Jersey is a company founded by Randell L. Mills, who claims to have discovered a new energy source. The purported energy source is based on Mills’ assertion that the electron in a hydrogen atom can drop below the lowest energy state known as the ground state. Mills calls the theoretical hydrogen atoms that are in an energy state below ground level, “hydrinos”. Mills self-published a closely related book,The Grand Unified Theory of Classical Physics.
The proposed theory is inconsistent with quantum mechanics. Critics say it lacks corroborating scientific evidence, and is a relic of cold fusion. Philip Warren Anderson said he is sure it’s a “fraud”, and Stephen Chu called it “extremely unlikely”. In 2009 IEEE Spectrum magazine characterized it as a “loser” technology because “Most experts don’t believe such lower states exist, and they say the experiments don’t present convincing evidence”. BlackLight has announced several times that it was about to deliver commercial products based on Mill’s theories but has not delivered a working product.
Mills claims that under controlled experiments certain chemicals may react catalytically with atomic hydrogen to generate a plasma which emits ultraviolet light. The company claims that the special plasma byproducts called “hydrinos” have been experimentally observed to have an energy state below the ground state of hydrogen.
Mills first announced his hydrino state hypothesis on April 25, 1991, in a press conference in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, as an explanation for the cold fusion phenomena that had been reported in 1989. According to Mills, no fusion was actually happening in the cells, and all the effects would be caused by shrinkage of hydrogen atoms as they fell to a state below the ground state. Mills added that the increased proximity between the atoms would cause them to fuse sporadically, and some of those atoms would be deuterium atoms (a hydrogen atom with one extra neutron), which would explain why there were occasional readings of neutrons. No experimental evidence was offered by Mills at the time to support his claims which violate accepted nuclear physics.
Model of the free and bound electron
Mills claims that Maxwell’s equations of classical physics can be applied to the electron by mathematically representing the electron as a flat disk of spinning charge. Mills’ model for the bound electron or “orbitsphere” treats the mathematical representation of the electron orbit as a “dynamic spherical shell” of zero thickness surrounding the nucleus, whereas quantum mechanics usually represents the electron orbit as an electron shell or probability wave. Mills’ model claims to provide an explanation for measured phenomena including quantization of angular momentum and magnetic moment. Unlike the accepted atomic model where electrons can only occupy whole number orbits (e.g. 1, 2, 3 where orbital 1 is the ground state), Mills’ model allows for fractional quantum orbitals between these (e.g. orbits below 1, such as 1/2, 1/3, 1/4…). Mills claims to derive “classical” orbitals from the classical nonradiation condition defined by Hermann A. Haus in 1986.
BlackLight process
According to Mills, a specific chemical process he calls “The BlackLight Process” allows a bound electron to fall to energy states below what quantum theory predicts to be possible. In the hydrogen atom, these states are postulated to have an effective radius of 1/p of the ground state radius, with p being limited by the speed of light to a positive integer less than or equal to 137. He terms these below-ground hydrogen atoms ‘hydrinos’. Mills’ mechanism consists of a non-radiative energy transfer between a hydrogen atom and a catalyst that is capable of absorbing a certain amount of energy. The total energy Mills says is released for hydrino transitions is large compared with the chemical burning of hydrogen, but less than nuclear reactions. Mills claims that limitations on confinement and terrestrial conditions have prevented the achievement of hydrino states below 1/30, which would correspond to an energy release of approximately 15 keV per hydrogen atom.

PS2  Navy creates ship fuel from seawater

Researchers working for the United States Navy say they are around a decade away from mastering a procedure that will make high-powered fuel for the military’s fleet of ships out of run-of-the-mill seawater. (Would there be any reason not to use this technology to produce fuel for civilian applications as well? E.g. power plants?)
The US Naval Research Laboratory’s Materials Science and Technology Division have alreadydemonstrated that a new, state-of-the-art conversion method can turn ordinary seawater into a liquid hydrocarbon fuel potent enough to power a small model aircraft. Soon, though, they say the same process will provide the Navy with a way of refueling any of its hundreds of ships at sea without relying on the comparably meager fleet of 15 military oil tankers currently tasked with delivering nearly 600 million gallons of fuel to those vessels on an annual basis.
Scientists say it will be another 10 years before ships will likely be able to successfully convert seawater into super-powerful fuel, but the technology is already being hailed as a game changer and is expected to substantially cut costs for the Pentagon.
The process at hand involves extracting carbon dioxide molecules from the ocean water outside of a ship’s hull and using it to produce hydrogen gas, “catalytically converting the CO2 and H2 into jet fuel by a gas-to-liquids process,” according to an article published this week on the Naval Research Laboratory’s website.
The potential payoff is the ability to produce JP-5 fuel stock at sea reducing the logistics tail on fuel delivery with no environmental burden and increasing the Navy’s energy security and independence,” Dr. Heather Willauer, a research chemist who has worked on the procedure for years, explained to the NRL back in 2012. “With such a process, the Navy could avoid the uncertainties inherent in procuring fuel from foreign sources and/or maintaining long supply lines,” she said.
Two years later, Willauer’s research team says they are making substantial progress with regards to their goal of using that process to put a powerful new tool into the hands of the Navy. According to a study in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, the new conversion method is fuel is “game changing.”
For us in the military, in the Navy, we have some pretty unusual and different kinds of challenges,” AFPquoted Vice Admiral Philip Cullom for an article published on Monday this week. “We don’t necessarily go to a gas station to get our fuel. Our gas station comes to us in terms of an oiler, a replenishment ship. Developing a game-changing technology like this, seawater to fuel, really is something that reinvents a lot of the way we can do business when you think about logistics, readiness.”
It’s a huge milestone for us,” said Cullom.
When the Navy Times first wrote about the procedure in 2012 earlier on in the development process, staff writer Joshua Stewart reported that not only would the program cut costs by generating the fuel on site instead of importing it from the Pentagon’s reserves or an foreign supplier, but not bothering to stock up on gallons upon gallons of fuel — or being at the mercy of one of the military’s few oil tankers — would all together eliminate a number of the costly factors normally involved in keeping the Navy’s fleet afloat.
An analysis conducted by Willauer’s team, Stewart reported then, estimated that fuel made through the conversion process would cost between $3 and $6 per gallon, including start-up costs.
The report cited the Navy’s 2011 average cost for JP-5 at $3.51; media reports have put that number closer to $4. These prices don’t include shipping and storage costs, which would be cut drastically or eliminated by making JP-5 at sea,” he wrote.
Historical data suggest that in nine years, the price of fuel for the Navy could be well over the price of producing a synthetic jet fuel at sea,” agreed the authors of the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy study.
Scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory are developing a process to extract carbon dioxide (CO2) and produce hydrogen gas (H2) from seawater, subsequently catalytically converting the CO2 and H2 into jet fuel by a gas-to-liquids process. “The potential payoff is the ability to produce JP-5 fuel stock at sea reducing the logistics tail on fuel delivery with no environmental burden and increasing the Navy’s energy security and independence,” says research chemist, Dr. Heather Willauer. NRL has successfully developed and demonstrated technologies for the recovery of CO2 and the production of H2 from seawater using an electrochemical acidification cell, and the conversion of CO2 and H2 to hydrocarbons (organic compounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon) that can be used to produce jet fuel. “The reduction and hydrogenation of CO2 to form hydrocarbons is accomplished using a catalyst that is similar to those used for Fischer-Tropsch reduction and hydrogenation of carbon monoxide,” adds Willauer. “By modifying the surface composition of iron catalysts in fixed-bed reactors, NRL has successfully improved CO2 conversion efficiencies up to 60 percent.” - See more at: http://www.nrl.navy.mil/media/news-releases/2012/fueling-the-fleet-navy-looks-to-the-seas#sthash.9S0vbUTt.dpuf

A Renewable Resource

CO2 is an abundant carbon (C) resource in the air and in seawater, with the concentration in the ocean about 140 times greater than that in air. Two to three percent of the CO2 in seawater is dissolved CO2 gas in the form of carbonic acid, one percent is carbonate, and the remaining 96 to 97 percent is bound in bicarbonate. If processes are developed to take advantage of the higher weight per volume concentration of CO2 in seawater, coupled with more efficient catalysts for the heterogeneous catalysis of CO2 and H2, a viable sea-based synthetic fuel process can be envisioned. “With such a process, the Navy could avoid the uncertainties inherent in procuring fuel from foreign sources and/or maintaining long supply lines,” Willauer said.NRL has made significant advances developing carbon capture technologies in the laboratory. In the summer of 2009 a standard commercially available chlorine dioxide cell and an electro-deionization cell were modified to function as electrochemical acidification cells. Using the novel cells both dissolved and bound CO2 were recovered from seawater by re-equilibrating carbonate and bicarbonate to CO2 gas at a seawater pH below 6. In addition to CO2, the cells produced H2 at the cathode as a by-product. - See more at: http://www.nrl.navy.mil/media/news-releases/2012/fueling-the-fleet-navy-looks-to-the-seas#sthash.9S0vbUTt.dpuf

Χαμένη πτήση ΜΗ370: ζωντανοί στο Αφγανιστάν;

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MH370 Hostage Crisis: Alive In Afghanistan

Terrorists hijacked Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370, flew the plane to Afghanistan, and passengers are alive but in severe condition, according to a Russian newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets on Thursday that newspapers across the world are reporting this afternoon.  
The plane with 239 passengers has been missing since March 8th. The paper also was told that all passengers survived the hard landing but were in severe condition due to a food shortage.
The new report, albeit not confirmed by the international investigative team dictating what Malaysian officials can and cannot say publicly, concurs with Russian officials’ earlier statement, that the plane had been hijacked and flewn to a location near Pakistan.  
The report also concurs with officials’ messages that loved ones of passengers have recieved at briefings that led them to believe their loved ones are alive, as reported in this author’s article, Malaysia Airlines Passengers Alive: Official At Secret Meeting.
Hishammuddin Hussein, Malaysia’s transport minister, said at a secret meeting in Kuala Lumpur with Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 passengers’ families that he believes all the passengers are still alive. This has been reported by Associated Press, The Guardian and CBS News.
“Malaysian transport minister said he ‘believes that my child and all the other passengers are still alive,’ said Hamid Amran, father of a child on Flight 370, speaking about transport minister Hussein after a secret meeting with him, other officials and families of passengers, according to an Associated Press report. ‘I will not give up hope.’” 
An intelligence agent reported anonymously to the Russian newspaper that the plane was in Afghanistan near the border with Pakistan. 
“Pilots are not guilty, the plane was hijacked by unknown terrorists. We know that the name of the terrorist who gave instructions to pilots is ‘Hitch’,” the report says.
The plane is in Afghanistan not far from Kandahar near the border with Pakistan,” claims the newspaper, that has a circulation of about 1.1 million.
The report added, “Plane is on the road near the mountain range, and has a broken wing. Maybe it made a hard landing. All passengers survived. They live in shacks almost without food.”
The report claims all the high-tech expert passengers on the plane were taken into a bunker in Pakistan. The intellectual value of those experts has been estimated to be many billions of U.S. dollars.
“Twenty Asian specialists were captured. There is one Japanese among them,” it said, possibly referring to Freescale Semiconductor company employees.
No ransom message pitched
The terrorists intended to kidnap experts travelling through the airline for pitching their demands. The sources added that the plane was on a road near the mountain range with a broken wing due to the emergency landing.
The sources said a militant named “Hitch” instructed the pilot throughout its journey while the world kept finding clues for the missing plane.
The Nation has reported this as has FAR News Agency.
Russian officials had already reported that the plane was in this region, but were dismissed, as were eyewitness reports on the whereabouts of the plane and one passenger’s phone calls to his sister.
The Independent had reported on March 16:
“The missing Malaysian airlines flight MH370 may have been deliberately flown under the radar to Taliban-controlled bases on the border of Afghanistan, it has emerged, as authorities said that the final message sent from the cockpit came after one of the jet’s communications systems had already been switched off,” the Independent wrote.
Also on March 16, Malaysia Transportation Minister Hishammuddin said no ransom had been demanded over the missing Flight MH370. 
That was the day the SAR mission “entered a new phase,” in the northern and southern corridors and 26 countries were involved in the search, according to Malay Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. 
Najib announced that the plane flew for hours in a manner “consistent with deliberate action” after dropping off the primary radar. He said the plane’s last communication with the satellite was in one of two possible corridors, including a northern corridor stretching approximately from the border of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan to northern Thailand.
“As a terrorist hijacking of Flight 370 seems more and more likely, the U.S. shows the Asian countries that terrorist attacks like 9-11 are not far removed from Asia,” writes Yang Hengjun, a Chinese independent scholar, novelist, and blogger, who once worked in the Chinese Foreign Ministry and as a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council in Washington, DC. Yang received his Ph.D. from the University of Technology, Sydney in Australia. .
“If this incident turns out to have been caused by terrorists, it will be the largest terrorist attack that China has suffered from at the international level and would be similar to the United States’ experience of 9-11,” Hengjun says. “The U.S. has repeatedly asked Asian countries (especially in those Southeast Asia) for their understanding and support of its anti-terrorist efforts in Afghanistan, but the responses have been lukewarm. In the future, could this situation change?”

Πέμπτη 10 Απριλίου 2014


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Various Nephilim/Alien Species and What They Look Like Exposed By A Scientist In Hiding…

The masses have been trained to call the Nephilim of Genesis chapter six by another new name, “aliens.” These so called “aliens” have been involved with mankind since day one. They are not from another planet, rather they are interdimensional beings and per the Bible, are the satanic offspring of Fallen Watcher Angels and humans.
“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of Godcame in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them.” Genesis 6:4
Not only did the fallen angels have sex with humans, but they also had sex with the beasts of the field.
“They [Fallen Angels and Nephilim] began to sin [have sex] against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another’s flesh, and drink the blood.” The Book of Enoch
When these fallen angels and their Nephilim offspring had sex with animals this produced a variety of hybrid creatures including: bigfoot’s, lizard beings, etc.  
The information in the video below discus this in detail. Furthermore, it was leaked by a scientist now in hiding.
The information—-as out there as it might seem—-has been verified from the highest of sources. All I ask is that when watching it, you keep an open mind….
I believe the book of Revelations speaks of these Alien’s…
 “The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty… Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.”  Rev 16:12-19, 21
In this chapter the Bible speaks of three evil spirits that look like frogs, who go forth deceiving not only the kings, but the whole world. Note that these beings are not frogs, but they do resemble them. Meaning they have an amphibian or reptilian appearance and it further describes them as unclean spirits or demons. Therefore, I do believe it’s possible that John was talking about Nephilim when he wrote the book of Revelation.
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