Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις

Τελευταία νέα

Κυριακή 25 Μαΐου 2014

Μαλιμπού, Καλιφόρνια, ΗΠΑ: Υποβρύχια βάση UFO, είσοδος στην Κοίλη Γή, ή και τα δυο;

Πηγή disclose.tv / Εντυπωσιακό εύρημα μιας υποβρύχιας υπερκατασκευής

σε απόσταση λιγότερο από 7 μίλια από τις ακτές της Καλιφόρνιας. Η οροφή πάχους
150 μ. μπορεί να προστατεύσει από πυρηνική επίθεση! Βάση UFO; Είσοδος στην
Κοίλη Γή; Ή και τα δύο;


Massive Underwater Entrance Discovered Off The California Coast
May 23, 2014 - A massive underwater entrance has been discovered off the Malibu, CA coast at Point Dume which appears to be the Holy Grail of UFO/USO researchers that have been looking for it over the last 40 years. The plateau structure is 1.35 miles x 2.45 miles wide, 6.66 miles from land and the entrance between the support pillars is 2745 feet wide and 630 feet tall. It also has what looks like a total nuclear bomb proof ceiling that is 500 feet thick. The discovery was made by Maxwell, Dale Romero and Jimmy Church, host of FADE to BLACK on the Dark Matter Radio Network on Monday, May 12th 2014 and announced on Facebook, Twitter and Church’s radio program the following day. 

The underwater base has been a mystery for many years with hundreds of UFO/USO sightings…many with photographs…but the entrance of the base has remained elusive…until now. The entrance can support nuclear sized submarines and massive UFO/USO activity and allow access to different military installations that are inside the US such as the China Lake Naval Base that is in the middle of the Mojave desert and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center in Hawthorne, NV between Las Vegas and Reno. In the photographs you can see its relation to the coastline, Los Angeles and its natural surroundings which to not match up with the structure itself…which is massive in scale. The support pillars to the entrance are over 600 feet tall. Malibu, California, is known the world over for its scenic beauty and as the playground of the rich and famous. Few people know that it is also the land of UFOs. 

In the late 1950s, as my neighbor and some of his friends were watching the sun setting on the Pacific Ocean, they witnessed three bright UFOs fly across the water at great speed then hover for a few minutes over the Santa Monica Mountains before flying off out of sight. My family moved in around 1962. We had a perfect view of Zuma Beach in our front yard with the mountains for our backyard, and the star-filled sky above us at night. During the 1960s, people were frequently seeing UFOs flying around Malibu, but a lot of people were taking hallucinogenic substances in those days too. However, by the early 1970s, whole families were going down to the beach at Point Dume at night to watch the multicolored UFOs that would sink under the water at times. NOTE: The above image is from Google earth.

Τετάρτη 21 Μαΐου 2014

Τα φώτα του Hessdalen και το σκοτάδι στην "επιστήμη"

Όσοι ενημερωθήκατε για το θεμα των εμφανίσεων
άγνωστων φώτων στο Hessdalen της Νορβηγίας,
θα προσέξατε, με αγανάκτηση ίσως, την έως και
προσβλητική αντιμετώπιση των κατοίκων, που
ανέφεραν τα συμβάντα, από τον Τύπο, αλλά και
την παντελή έλλειψη ενδιαφέροντος από την πλευρά
της επιστημονικής κοινότητας. Τα μεν μέσα θεωρούσαν
τις αναφορές ανάξιες λόγου, οι δε "επιστήμονες"
δεν ένοιωσαν την ανάγκη να ασχοληθούν.
Ώσπου συγκροτήθηκε μια ομάδα από επιστήμονες
αποφασισμένων να μελετήσουν το ανεξήγητο.
Βρέθηκαν τα κατάλληλα τεχνικά μέσα, και μέρα τις
πρώτες έρευνες, αποδείχθηκε οτι οι κάτοικοι-αυτόπτες
μάρτυρες, πράγματι έβλεπαν κάτι και δεν ήταν της
φαντασίας τους.
Μέχρι σήμερα, δεκαετίες μετά, οι επιστήμονες δεν
κατέληξαν σε απάντηση. Το μόνο που επιβεβαιώνουν
είναι, οτι κάμερες, ραντάρ και αλλά όργανα "συλλαμβάνουν"
τα φαινόμενα στην ατμόσφαιρα του Hessdalen.
Αυτό, λοιπόν που εχει σημασία, είναι οτι το φαινόμενο
UFO υπάρχει, σε παγκόσμια κλίμακα, ειναι αληθινό και
πρέπει να ερευνηθεί από την επιστήμη, η οποία επισήμως
μέχρι σήμερα είναι αδιάφορη έως αρνητική.

J F Rodrigues UFO incident

Πηγή realtvufos /
Το περιστατικό του J F Rodrigues στην Πορτογαλία
το 1977 ειναι αξιοπρόσεκτο διότι:  1)εκτός από την
απώλεια ελέγχου και την ανεξέλεγκτη κάθοδο του
αεροσκάφους, που είδαν και 2 μάρτυρες, συνέβη
και τεράστια απώλεια ηλεκτρικής ισχύος στο φράγμα
της περιοχής.
2) η πορτογαλική αεροπορία ΔΕΝ αμφισβήτησε την
αναφορά του πιλότου, ούτε την έθαψε, αντίθετα την
ερεύνησε δεόντως.
Παρακάτω δίνω την παρουσίαση των γεγονότων από
το realtvufos και τα βίντεο στο YouTube.
Portuguese Air Force pilot Jose Francisco Rodrigues 
encountered a UFO during a flight training mission near 
Castelo de Bode Dam on 17 June 1977, at around noon, 
RTP reports:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2R65nNmUDMY (1)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKCOdBA-eEQ (2)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKCOdBA-eEQ (3)

The UFO was black, semi-spherical shaped, 13 to 15 metres 

in diameter and had several windows that emitted a light 
yellowish light.

Suddenly the UFO flew away, causing great instability in the 

airplane. Rodrigues had to execute a difficult manoeuvre to 
gain control of his Dornier 27 airplane. And some of the 
instruments in the airplane were affected by the presence of 
the UFO.

Jose Francisco Rodrigues

Aerial view of Castelo de Bode Dam, Portugal
(panoramio.com photo)

Όταν οι αληθινοί επιστήμονες αποφασίζουν να ερευνήσουν το φαινόμενο UFO!

Τρίτη 20 Μαΐου 2014

Bob Lazar

Πηγή ufosightingsdaily /

Bob Lazar Area 51/S4 Employee Speaks Out After 25 Years (MAY 2014)

Date of interview: May 2014
Former employment: Back-engineer at Area S4, inside Area 51.

His job was to back-engineer one of eight alien UFOs in an underground hanger at Area S4, which lies inside the perimeter of Area 51 base. He still has the ID and his W-2 forms to prove he was employed there through Navy Intelligence. He crawled inside the disk and looked around at the three propulsion systems and even had hands on with one to try to figure out how it worked so the military could start building them. He tried to tell the world what he saw, but it was too early and the world wasn't ready back then. Today we are more accepting of such knowledge than ever before. Bob sacrificed everything, his reputation, his job, his friends all to tell everyone about...as he said, "the most important discovery in human history." To hide this info from the world is a crime against humanity. SCW

Σάββατο 10 Μαΐου 2014

MH370: abducted???

Πηγή ufo-blogger.com /

Military Radar Tracked UFO Near MH370 During Its Disappearance : Malaysian Prime Minister

A Malaysian military aircraft did track an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the country’s airspace at the time of MH370 losing contact with the ground control, the Malaysian Prime Minister has finally admitted – six weeks after the passenger jet disappeared.
Last month Malaysia's air force chief, Rodzali Daud, said military radar detected UFO in an area in the northern Malacca Strait at 2:15 a.m. local time on 8th march , 2014 about an hour after the plane vanished from air traffic control screens.
Najib Razak said the radar tracked aircraft after it had turned back on its from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8.

The Malaysian PM said he initially didn’t believe but was told that the military radars have some capability.

"To be honest, I found it hard to believe," the Prime Minister told CNN.

"It's a bizarre scenario which none of us could have contemplated so that's why when I met the team...of foremost experts in aviation industry I asked them again and again 'are you sure?'"

"And their answer to me was we are as sure as we can possibly be."

But the authorities are not sure whether it was MH370 or any other aircraft.

Malaysia will release a preliminary report next week on the disappearance of flight MH370, Prime Minister Najib Razak said, as his government continues to battle criticism over the transparency of its investigation.

"I have directed an internal investigation team of experts to look at the report, and there is a likelihood that next week we could release the report," Najib told CNN.

Malaysian officials said Wednesday the report already had been sent to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which requires countries to submit within 30 days a factual run-down of what is known so far in any air crash.

The search for the missing plane is likely to drag on for years, a senior US defence official told Reuters on Friday, as an underwater search for any trace of the plane's wreckage off west Australia appeared to have failed.

The official, speaking under condition of anonymity because he was not authorised to comment on the search effort, said two weeks of scouring the Indian Ocean floor with a US Navy submersible drone had turned up no wreckage.

He said the search for the jetliner, which vanished on March 8 with 239 people on board, would now enter a much harder phase of scouring broader areas of the ocean near where the plane is believed to have crashed.

"We went all in on this small area and didn't find anything. Now you've got to go back to the big area," the official said. "And now you're talking years."

When Mr Najib was asked if he believed the plane was now lost, he said it cannot be declared as such until there is hard evidence that the plane crashed.

“Right now I think I need to take into account the feelings of the next of kin – and some of them have said publicly that they are not willing to accept it until they find hard evidence.”

Oppenheimer-Einstein top secret report about UFOs

The presence of Unidentified Space Craft in our
atmosphere (and possibly maintaining orbits about 
our planet) is now, however, accepted "as de facto"
by our military.

Ένας Πόντιος, κάνει το φώς να χορέψει πυρίχιο!

Πηγή το βήμα /
Ο Κοσμάς Τσακμακίδης, κατόρθωσε να σταματήσει το φώς,
χρησιμοποιώντας μεταυλικά, και τώρα στο Μπέρκλεϋ,
κατασκευάζει πειραματικό μοντέλο της εφεύρεσής του,
που είναι η αρχή της αναβάθμισης της ταχύτητας των
επικοινωνιών σε "ταχύτητες φωτός".



Χρυσός αποχαιρετισμός

Παρασκευή 9 Μαΐου 2014

Ρωσικά αρχεία ΑΤΥΑ

Πηγή exohuman /

Russian Navy Divers Fight Underwater Aliens

THE RUSSIAN NAVY HAS DECLASSIFIED its records of encounters with unidentified objects “technologically surpassing anything humanity ever built”, reports Svobodnaya Pressa news website.
The records dating back to soviet times were compiled by a special navy group collecting reports of unexplained incidents reported by submarines and military ships. The group was headed by deputy Navy commander Admiral Nikolay Smirnov, and the documents reveal numerous cases of possible UFO encounters, the website says.
Vladimir Azhazha, former navy officer and a famous Russian UFO researcher, says the materials are of great value.
“Fifty percent of UFO encounters are connected with oceans. Fifteen more – with lakes. So UFOs tend to stick to the water,” he said.
On one occasion a nuclear submarine, which was on a combat mission in the Pacific Ocean, detected six unknown objects. After the crew failed to leave behind their pursuers by maneuvering, the captain ordered to surface. The objects followed suit, took to the air, and flew away.
Many mysterious events happened in the region of Bermuda Triangle, recalls retired submarine commander Rear Admiral Yury Beketov. Instruments malfunctioned with no apparent reason or detected strong interference. The former navy officer says this could be deliberate disruption by UFOs.
“On several occasions the instruments gave reading of material objects moving at incredible speed. Calculations showed speeds of about 230 knots, of 400 kph. Speeding so fast is a challenge even on the surface. But water resistance is much higher. It was like the objects defied the laws of physics. There’s only one explanation: the creatures who built them far surpass us in development,” Beketov said.
Navy intelligence veteran, Captain 1st rank Igor Barklay comments:
“Ocean UFOs often show up wherever our or NATO’s fleets concentrate. Near Bahamas, Bermudas, Puerto Rico. They are most often seen in the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean, in the southern part of the Bermuda Triangle, and also in the Caribbean Sea.”
Another place where people often report UFO encounters is Russia’s Lake Baikal, the deepest fresh water body in the world. Fishermen tell of powerful lights coming from the deep and objects flying up from the water.
In one case in 1982 a group of military divers training at Baikal spotted a group of humanoid creatures dressed in silvery suits. The encounter happened at a depth of 50 meters, and the divers tried to catch the strangers. Three of the seven men died, while four others were severely injured.
“I think about underwater bases and say: why not? Nothing should be discarded,” says Vladimir Azhazha. “Skepticism is the easiest way: believe nothing, do nothing. People rarely visit great depths. So it’s very important to analyze what they encounter there.”

Τέξας, πυραμιδοειδές ΑΤΙΑ

Αρειανός πολιτισμός

Πηγή ufosightingsdaily /

Evidence Of Ancient Civilization On Mars, May 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 8, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA photo: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/2087/
Method: Spirit Rover, Sol 2087

I found these two structures on Mars in some Spirit Rover photos. They were both in Sol 2087. The first one looks like it was once an opening to some kind of vent having two 90 degree angles. The second one is a curved structure with a square cut out of it (four 90 degree angles). Both anomalies must have been seen by NASA scientists, but I am sure they didn't plan on the public being so investigative on the subject. SCW

Κυριακή 4 Μαΐου 2014

Η παραχάραξη της Ιστορίας και η οργουελιανή επικαιρότητα του 21ου αιώνα

Πηγή disclose.tv /
"The human mind is handicapped when confronted with a
conspiracy so monstrous, he can not believe it exists."
"Το ανθρώπινο μυαλό είναι ανήμπορο όταν αντιμετωπίζει
τόσο τερατώδη συνωμοσία, ώστε δεν πιστεύει οτι υφίσταται."

Σάββατο 3 Μαΐου 2014

Robert Dean: το πεπρωμένο μας είναι τα άστρα!

Από την ομιλία του αμερικανού ουφολόγου στο
European Exopolitics Summit, το 2009 στην Ισπανία.
Ο Robert Dean, στρατιωτικός στην υπηρεσία των ΗΠΑ
με χαρακτηρισμό ATS (πάνω από το άκρως απόρρητο),
παρουσίασε φωτογραφίες από ΑΤΙΑ στην σελήνη, καθώς
και εγκαταστάσεις σε σεληνιακούς κρατήρες, αρειανό
διαστημοδρόμιο και φωτογραφία υπερύθρου υπόγειας
πόλης στον πλανήτη Άρη που τράβηξαν οι σοβιετικοί.
Επίσης παρέθεσε φωτογραφίες που δημοσίευσε στο
βιβλίο του ο Νόρμαν Μπέργκρουν, τεράστιων τεχνητών
δορυφόρων του Κρόνου, μεγαλύτερων από την σελήνη.
Η εντυπωσιακότερη λήψη ήταν αυτή ενός σκάφους
μήκους 3.500 (!) χιλιομέτρων σε τροχιά γύρω από τον
γίγαντα πλανήτη. Όλες οι φωτογραφίες από τα αρχεία
της ΝΑΣΑ.
Κλείνοντας την παρουσίαση ο Dean μετέφερε την
πληροφορία που του έδωσε ενας αποσυρθείς επιστήμονας
που εργαζόταν σε μυστικές στρατιωτικές εγκαταστάσεις
στην Νεβάδα, μαζί με δυο εξωγήινους, πάνω στην σύντηξη
πλάσματος. Όταν λοιπόν αυτός ρώτησε τους δύο "ξένους"
ποιά ήταν η γνώμη τους για τους ανθρώπους, ο ενας από
αυτούς απάντησε: "είστε μια πρωτόγονη, άγρια και επικίνδυνη
φυλή" !
Ο δε άλλος συμπλήρωσε: "αναδύετε μια πολύ άσχημη οσμή"
εννοώντας "αποκρουστική ψυχική αύρα".
Ο Robert Dean επέμεινε οτι η ανθρωπότητα ζεί μια εποχή
μεταμόρφωσης σε μια νέα φυλή, που θα ταξιδέψει στις
εσχατιές του διαστήματος!

“Γνώσεσθε τήν ἀλήθειαν, καί ἡ ἀλήθεια ἐλευθερώσει ὑμᾶς”

Πηγή alienanthropology /
Η προέλευση της ρήσης της επικεφαλίδας είναι θρησκευτική,
αλλά εδώ προτείνεται σαν συμπύκνωσης της περιγραφής του
Philip Corso, ο οποίος στο βιβλίο του "The day after Roswell",
δηλώνει πως παραδοθήκαμε στους εξωγήινους εισβολείς, χωρίς
μάχη, θεωρώντας τους ανίκητους, και φοβούμενοι την παραδοχή
της αλήθειας, δηλαδή της ύπαρξής τους στην Γή.
Λέει επί λέξει: "They dictated the terms because they knew what
we feared most was the DISCLOSURE. Hide the truth and the
truth becomes your enemy. Disclose the truth and the truth becomes
your WEAPON. We hid the truth and the (ETs) used it against us."
"Υπαγόρευσαν τους όρους (της παράδοσης) διότι γνώριζαν οτι αυτό
που φοβόμασταν περισσότερο ήταν η αποκάλυψη της αλήθειας.
Κρύψε την αλήθεια και η αλήθεια θα γίνει εχθρός σου. Φανέρωσέ
την και θα γίνει το όπλο σου. Εμείς αποκρύψαμε την αλήθεια και
οι εξωγήινοι την χρησιμοποίησαν εναντίον μας."
Η παρουσία εξωγήινων μορφών ζωής στην Γή και η καταλυτική τους
παρουσία και έλεγχός τους στην ανθρωπότητα, εκτός των σύγχρονων
θεάσεων ΑΤΙΑ, έγινε γνωστή από τα χειρόγραφα των ΓΝΩΣΤΙΚΩΝ
που βρέθηκαν στο Ναγκ Χαμάντι.

Παρασκευή 2 Μαΐου 2014



Πηγή beforeitsnews /

 During a light storm we expect to see flashes in the sky and evil-looking clouds.
What we certainly do not expect to see are objects hiding inside these clouds.
When you look at these videos and images, it appears as if there is a solid object in the middle of the clouds…
The images below show an unidentified flying object inside a storm cloud.
The photo was taken on 1st May  2014, 

Πέμπτη 1 Μαΐου 2014

Curiosity: ΑΤΙΑ στον ουρανό του Άρη!

Πηγή ufosightingsdaily /

Long UFO Recorded By Curiosity Rover For 10 Min! 4-28-2014, UFO Sighting News.

Click to enlarge.

Date of sighting: April 14, 2014
Time of sighting: 4:48:22 until 04:56:09 UTC
Location of sighting: Half way to Mount Sharp, Mars
NASA Photos: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?s=613&camera=NAV_RIGHT_

The Curiosity rover is said to be half way on its journey to Mount Sharp, when it caught the unusual anomaly. The object was in the sky in front of the rover for 10 minutes! Also notice that most the stars do not move, but do lighten and dim during this time. The shape of the UFO is just as we see it, long cigar shaped. At first a person will assume the exposure (shutter) was open allowing the photo to  record for a few seconds, but no. The shutter speed is normal. This object was moving slow, which is proven by the time stamps on the photos on the NASA site. That means since it was moving slowly, the shape we see before us is the correct shape of the object. Wow, ten minutes in plain view! 

Then again, could this be a moon or micro moon orbiting Mars? Yes, it could be possible, however a moon of this shape would have a high probability of flipping end over end. This object has slow, balanced movement like a ship in water...having the appearance of an object that is self propelled.

I am very interested in how NASA will explain this. I have messaged them a few times and I will see if I can get a response. SCW

1st photo:   04:48:22 UFO firsts appears, and is heading down.
2nd photo:  04:50:18
3rd photo:   04:52:15
4th photo:   04:54:12
5th photo:   04:56:09
6th photo:   04:58:06  Object is gone.