Δημοφιλείς αναρτήσεις
Φαίνεται τελικά ότι η κολοσιαία συγκέντρωση πλούτου και ισχύος στα χέρια των ολίγων,παγκοσμίως,οδηγεί τις εξελίξεις προς μία πορεία καταπίεσ...
Σχόλιο: Cassiopeia / Σταχυολόγηση από τις αποκαλύψεις του Φίλ Σνάϊντερ που συγκλόνισαν τις ΗΠΑ και ολόκληρο τον κόσμο! -Στοιχείο 140 ...
Κείμενο Λουκιανός ο Αργείος / Μυθωδία και περιγήινος απαγορευτικός δακτύλιος Γιατί έγινε η Μυθωδία; Γιατί έγινε στην Ελλάδα και στους στ...
...patrol around the earth until It is the right time to reveal !!!
I Close my article with the historic phrase of the Soviet Union leader Nikita Khrushchev, before the general assembly of the UNITED NATI...
Πηγή ufosightingsdaily / How UFO Researchers Know UFOs Create Clouds To Hide Within, Sept 1957 US Army Ft. Belvoir, Virginia Sight...
Τελευταία νέα
Παρασκευή 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
Αόρατα στα ραντάρ UFO φωτογραφήθηκαν από πιλότο!
Πηγή ufosightingsdaily /
Date of sighting: February 26, 2004
Location of sighting: Pisca, Peru
Date Posted: 3/16/2004 10:27:30 PM
Day/Night: Nighttime
Duration: 10 mins.
No. of Witnesses: 6
No. of Object(s): Multiple
Full Description and Details
While flying over Pisco, Peru, we noticed 3 very bright large objects. They were not moving much. They passed by us at a distance of 20-30 miles at approximately 20,000 feet. We were at 31,000 feet. There were 4 crew members on our B767-300ER. All noticed it. There also was a Mexicana Airliner overhead that noticed the objects as well.
They were to large to be ships. They were over the ocean and very bright. We called the local air traffic controllers in Lima and they did not see them on radar.
Witness Background: AIRLINE PILOT. RATED ON B737 B757 B767
Reported Sighting? Yes
Location: MIAMI, FL, USA
Age: 33
This Day In History: Airline Pilot Photographs Three Bright
Large UFO Over Ocean, Feb 26, 2004, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: February 26, 2004
Location of sighting: Pisca, Peru
Date Posted: 3/16/2004 10:27:30 PM
Day/Night: Nighttime
Duration: 10 mins.
No. of Witnesses: 6
No. of Object(s): Multiple
Full Description and Details
While flying over Pisco, Peru, we noticed 3 very bright large objects. They were not moving much. They passed by us at a distance of 20-30 miles at approximately 20,000 feet. We were at 31,000 feet. There were 4 crew members on our B767-300ER. All noticed it. There also was a Mexicana Airliner overhead that noticed the objects as well.
They were to large to be ships. They were over the ocean and very bright. We called the local air traffic controllers in Lima and they did not see them on radar.
Witness Background: AIRLINE PILOT. RATED ON B737 B757 B767
Reported Sighting? Yes
Location: MIAMI, FL, USA
Age: 33
Click photo to enlarge. (2 known photos)
Κλήση και εμφάνιση (!) UFO από άλλη διάσταση!
Πηγή ufosightingsdaily /
Guy Summons Glowing Orb Over Home In Los Angeles, CA,
Feb 23, 2014, UFO Sighting News.
Date of sighting: Feb 23, 2014
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA
Eyewitness states:
After today's UFO Event at MacArthur Park, I came home and started to summon. A beautiful colorful / shiny morphing ORB arrived and gave a great display of shifting and colors. Thanks and enjoy this capture.
Posted by Scott Waring at Thursday, February 27, 2014 No comments:
Σύμπαν υπερυπολογιστής!
Πηγή MessageToEagle /
Τρίτη 25 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
Σάββατο 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
Παρασκευή 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
Σάντιχουκ, ενα δείγμα της μαζικής εξαπάτησης;
Πηγή Beforeitsnews /
Sandy Hook Bombshell! It Never Happened!
The video below should send shudders down the spines of any freedom loving Americans and should send warning signals to ANYONE who still believes the official story at Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
Sandy Hook whistleblower Wolfgang Halbig joins David Knight from Infowars in an interview that should END ALL TALK about there ever being a REAL shooting at Sandy Hook. The lies told in Sandy Hook, Connecticut have officially been torn to shreds…Remember, Connecticut State police Lt. J. Paul Vance, who in 2011, prior to the ‘shooting’ at Sandy Hook, announced he wanted to do the ‘reality TV show Survivor’… at Sandy Hook, he clearly had his biggest role. Is his embarrassment why he thinks he can threaten anyone he chooses for merely ASKING questions about what REALLY happened at Sandy Hook?
Το Μυστικό Διαστημικό Πρόγραμμα
Πηγή exohuman / Σχόλιο Λουκιανός ο Αργείος /
Στην εποχή μας, εποχή της μεγάλης απάτης και
της ανενδοίαστης απόκρυψης πολύ σημαντικών
γεγονότων από το πόπολο, υπάρχουν γεγονότα
που ο κοινός νους δεν θα πίστευε ποτέ οτι είναι
Τρανό παράδειγμα το μυστικό διαστημικό πρόγραμμα.
Όποιον και να ρωτήσεις θα σου απαντήσει: ανοησίες!
Εχουμε υποστηρίξει παλιότερα οτι ειναι πιθανόν να
υφίσταται γήινη αποικία στον Άρη. Με τι μέσα και
τεχνολογία; ΜΥΣΤΙΚΗ τεχνολογία άγνωστη στο ευρύ
κοινό και στους ειδικούς.
Οι λόγοι είναι νομίζω προφανείς.
Έτσι έχουμε μια ελίτ που μπορεί ανά πάσα στιγμή να
αποδράσει από τον πλανήτη μας, αφήνοντας τις μάζες,
τα πρόβατα στο έλεος της όποιας καταστροφής.
Στην εποχή μας, εποχή της μεγάλης απάτης και
της ανενδοίαστης απόκρυψης πολύ σημαντικών
γεγονότων από το πόπολο, υπάρχουν γεγονότα
που ο κοινός νους δεν θα πίστευε ποτέ οτι είναι
Τρανό παράδειγμα το μυστικό διαστημικό πρόγραμμα.
Όποιον και να ρωτήσεις θα σου απαντήσει: ανοησίες!
Εχουμε υποστηρίξει παλιότερα οτι ειναι πιθανόν να
υφίσταται γήινη αποικία στον Άρη. Με τι μέσα και
τεχνολογία; ΜΥΣΤΙΚΗ τεχνολογία άγνωστη στο ευρύ
κοινό και στους ειδικούς.
Οι λόγοι είναι νομίζω προφανείς.
Έτσι έχουμε μια ελίτ που μπορεί ανά πάσα στιγμή να
αποδράσει από τον πλανήτη μας, αφήνοντας τις μάζες,
τα πρόβατα στο έλεος της όποιας καταστροφής.
Red Ice: The Secret Space Program
IN THIS EPISODE, we discuss the Secret Space Program—what it is, who is behind it and why? Is there a human civilization living off-world with highly advanced technology and knowledge about the existence of aliens? Why are we being kept in the dark?
We feature Peter Levenda, Richard Dolan, Richard Hoagland, Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde, Timothy Good, Hugh Newman, Jonathan Adams, Ed Grimsley, Robin Falkov, Jeroen Van Straaten and attendees of the Secret Space Program conference in Amsterdam who also share their own experiences with UFO sightings. Then we hit the streets of Amsterdam, where the locals speak their mind about aliens, abductions and making contact with ET…
Σχήματα V στον Άρη, αλά Σταρ Τρεκ!
Πηγή disclose.tv /
February 21, 2014 - These objects are startlingly reminiscent of Star Trek's Federation insignia — but they're geological features inside a large crater on Mars. It's a phenomenon, says NASA, that also explains why migratory birds fly in a v-shaped formation.
Believe it or not, but these are sand dunes, and they're on the surface of a crater near Mawrth Vallis.
It's the same "V" formation that significantly boosts the efficiency and range of flying birds. It happens because all the birds, except the lead bird, fly within the upward motion of air (called upwash) from the wingtip vortices of the bird ahead. But in the case of dune fields, the spacing of each individual dune is dependant on sand supply, wind speed, and topography.
Believe it or not, but these are sand dunes, and they're on the surface of a crater near Mawrth Vallis.
It's the same "V" formation that significantly boosts the efficiency and range of flying birds. It happens because all the birds, except the lead bird, fly within the upward motion of air (called upwash) from the wingtip vortices of the bird ahead. But in the case of dune fields, the spacing of each individual dune is dependant on sand supply, wind speed, and topography.
Πέμπτη 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
Άρης, φαντασθείτε να αποκάλυπταν τα πάντα!
Πηγή areazone51ufos.blogspot.com /
I was sitting at the courthouse today I flipped my application images on Mars when it arises! Totally awesome! It looks like cut blocks, statues, work equipment, and even machines. What do you think? Simply ancient rocks? As always, I give you a photo directly from the NASA website.
I was sitting at the courthouse today I flipped my application images on Mars when it arises! Totally awesome! It looks like cut blocks, statues, work equipment, and even machines. What do you think? Simply ancient rocks? As always, I give you a photo directly from the NASA website.
Τρίτη 18 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
Κατασκευές στον πλανήτη Ερμή!
Πηγή ufosightingsdaily /
Date of discovery: February 10, 2014
Location of discovery: Mercury
NASA Mission: Mariner 10
Photo ID: PIA00066
Exact Location on Mercury: Shakespeare Quadrant, Northern Half, H-3
NASA Photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA00066.jpg
First you must know this is not a black and white photo, but an infrared photo. The Mariner 10 had an "8-postition filter wheel." Each filter allows the camera to take a different kind of photo. The infrared filter is so powerful that if you pour ink onto a typed page, you can see right through the ink and read the words as if the ink never existed. That is what happened to the shadow areas on Mercury in this photo. The shadows hid a honeycomb-like structure that always varies in shape, but its smaller components resembles that of...a honeycomb. Other structures are located near hills and mountains to blend in at a distance. This is why normal photos of Mercury will not have these structures in them.
Long ago, four to five years ago I found a face...so new in appearance on the planet Mercury. It was massive in scale and appeared as if I was looking at the face of a statue here on Earth, but this was tens of floors high. I saved the photo and then a few days later a virus wiped out my whole computer. So it was gone. I still have the image of the face in my head, a black person, big forehead, chubby cheeks and confident. I had to find it again, so as I was looking I found these this particular photo with structures in it. Sure, this one is not the photo I was looking for, but the number of structures in it is staggering. People often misconstrue what an alien structure looks like when they see it...having only their past experience with humanity to build upon, and often those kind of human preferred structures are hard to find. Most alien structures look like black mountains (moon) or giant white mushrooms (moon), so finding a structure we can relate to is difficult.
Here I present to you some photos that have exactly what most of you imagine alien structures will look like. There are many buildings tall, short, long, most made to conform to how we see a civilised society. These structures look like they were built recently. They are whole, without breaks or fissures and clean with no dirt or dust blanketing them over time, which tells me...they are occupied.
And to the aliens on Mercury, I send greetings. Since your structures have some commonality to our own, then there must be other things we have in common. We the people are asking to meet you. Balls in your court. Scott C. Waring
I made the video, feel free to copy it, edit it, or download it share it on your own channel. Best in full screen mode! SCW
Date of discovery: February 10, 2014
Location of discovery: Mercury
NASA Mission: Mariner 10
Photo ID: PIA00066
Exact Location on Mercury: Shakespeare Quadrant, Northern Half, H-3
NASA Photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA00066.jpg
First you must know this is not a black and white photo, but an infrared photo. The Mariner 10 had an "8-postition filter wheel." Each filter allows the camera to take a different kind of photo. The infrared filter is so powerful that if you pour ink onto a typed page, you can see right through the ink and read the words as if the ink never existed. That is what happened to the shadow areas on Mercury in this photo. The shadows hid a honeycomb-like structure that always varies in shape, but its smaller components resembles that of...a honeycomb. Other structures are located near hills and mountains to blend in at a distance. This is why normal photos of Mercury will not have these structures in them.
Infrared filter can see through ink and tinting to allow you to read the words.
And to the aliens on Mercury, I send greetings. Since your structures have some commonality to our own, then there must be other things we have in common. We the people are asking to meet you. Balls in your court. Scott C. Waring
I made the video, feel free to copy it, edit it, or download it share it on your own channel. Best in full screen mode! SCW
Labels: anomaly, astronomy, base, buildings, Mars, Mercury, planet, science, sighting, sightings,space, top secret, UFO, UFOS
Quality of sighting: |
Κυριακή 16 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
UFOs, επιστημονική απόδειξη
Πηγή areazone51ufos.blogspot.com /

Betty Andreasson, a resident in Massachusetts, said that foreigners abducted and implanted a device in his nose in 1967.His story was published the first time in a book called "The Andreasson Affair", written by Raymond Fowler. Similar experience has been claimed by a Canadian woman Dorothy Wallis in 1983. Claims made by authors such as Whitley Strieber popularized ideas alien abduction years later, which includes strange implants associated with abduction reports The book "Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens." by Dr. John E. Mack reveals that he considered a half-quart thin, the object returned by a 24 year old woman who claimed that it came from his nose after being abducted by aliens client. Californian Roger Leir Podiatrists also said he had managed to remove the alien implants patients.
Leir is also known for exotic implants as popular UFO investigator. Link has appeared on several television and radio spoke of ufology.
According to Link, he had already taken a dozen human body implants. He said that these implants can emit radio signals. He added that the implants have the ability to move by themselves during surgery as they stood at a distance so as not to be removed. Link said that laboratory studies on implants suggest that they are of extraterrestrial origin.
UFOs and Extraterrestrials: physical evidence

Each domain has its own terminology and ufology. One of the terms commonly used in this field of study is the exotic implant. When a physical object is placed in the body of the man after he was abducted by aliens, the process is called foreign implantation. Capabilities supposed bio implants include telemetry, mind control and telepresence. Foreign implants, as the subjects of UFOs in general, has not received enough attention from mainstream scientists.
Peter Rogerson wrote in Magonia magazine that alien implants can be traced in March 1957 Long John Nebel radio had an interview with ufologist John Robinson, in which it shared the request of a neighbor to be abducted by aliens in 1938 and his ears were covered with small headphones to keep it moderate.Betty Andreasson, a resident in Massachusetts, said that foreigners abducted and implanted a device in his nose in 1967.His story was published the first time in a book called "The Andreasson Affair", written by Raymond Fowler. Similar experience has been claimed by a Canadian woman Dorothy Wallis in 1983. Claims made by authors such as Whitley Strieber popularized ideas alien abduction years later, which includes strange implants associated with abduction reports The book "Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens." by Dr. John E. Mack reveals that he considered a half-quart thin, the object returned by a 24 year old woman who claimed that it came from his nose after being abducted by aliens client. Californian Roger Leir Podiatrists also said he had managed to remove the alien implants patients.
Leir is also known for exotic implants as popular UFO investigator. Link has appeared on several television and radio spoke of ufology.
According to Link, he had already taken a dozen human body implants. He said that these implants can emit radio signals. He added that the implants have the ability to move by themselves during surgery as they stood at a distance so as not to be removed. Link said that laboratory studies on implants suggest that they are of extraterrestrial origin.
Αστεροειδής ξυστά από την Γή
Πηγή areazone51ufos.blogspot.com /
LIVE video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCFWUemLzM0
An asteroid three times the size of a football field traveling 27,000 miles per hour is about to pass close to Earth and you can watch live on the Internet.
Astronomers have announced that the "unsafe" object - known as the NEA 2000 EM26, will pass near us about 0.018 AU from Earth on February 17. Now, although 0.018 AU (Astronomical Unit) may appear small, it is quite far, in fact, it is more than 2.6 million kilometers.
So there is no reason to panic. Instead you can sit and watch the big rock move, thanks to the cameras http://slooh.com/(or iPad application) which are directed towards the right part of the sky above the Canary Islands. Slooh regularly monitors hazardous asteroids that have the potential to cause significant damage if they were to hit the Earth.
Their work has a secondary objective to raise awareness about the dangers of asteroids and recruit members of the public to help sweep the sky with robotic telescopes Slooh. Passing 2000 EM26 comes almost a year after an asteroid 30 meters in diameter exploded over Chelyabinsk Russia, injuring more than 1,000 people.
Σάββατο 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2014
Τα ερείπια του Άρη μιλούν!
Πηγή areazone51ufos.blogspot.com /
Ancient Aliens on Mars: Paracas face statue made by Curiosity NASA, February 2014
Earthquake or meteorite, the alien war?
1. Pipe cut stone
2. Base frieze
3. Face Paracas
4. Stone trough
Pipe cut stone
Base frieze
Color difference
Super HD 1080p Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTHCl3dLlr8

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